HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY 2023: The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of India. It is known to be the longest written constitution which sets out fundamental rights, duties of the government and the citizens. The Constitution of India came into effect on January 26, 1950, declaring India as a sovereign and democratic republic.
The Father of Indian Constitution
Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution, was an ambitious leader, journalist, economist and social reformer who fought for discrimination against the untouchables. On August 29, 1947, he formed a committee of seven members calling it the ‘Drafting Committee’. With Dr BR Ambedkar as the Chairman of the committee, the other members included were N. Gopalaswami, Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyas, K.M Munshi, Saijo Mola Saadulla, N. Madhava Rao and D.P Khaitan.
Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was the first Law Minister of Independent India who introduced the final draft of the Constitution in the Constituent Assembly. Born to a Mahar caste family, he grew up witnessing violence and discrimination towards the untouchables or Harijans, as Mahatma Gandhi put it.
The Mother of Indian Constitution
Madam Bhikaji Cama came from an affluent Parsi Zoroastrian family. She was also known for her social work and as a child, she was disciplined with a flair for languages. Born on September 24, 1861, Madam Bhikaji Cama is also considered the mother of the Indian revolution because of her contributions to the Indian freedom struggle. She was also credited to design India’s first tricolour flag with green, saffron and red stripes which bore immortal words- Vande Mataram.
She was also amongst those leaders who raised their voice for women’s rights and women’s struggles. She made it clear to mention that women must have the right to vote, which would then follow other rights for women.
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