How Long Can Turtles Go Without Food? Your Questions Answered
How Long Can Turtles Go Without Food? Your Questions Answered
So, you’re planning a vacation, but there’s one problem—your pet turtle. Can your little friend last a few days without food, or will they starve if you’re not there to feed them? Luckily, turtles can last up to 7 days without food, and we have all the information on why. Keep reading to learn how long a turtle can go without food and how you can keep them happy and fed when you’re away.
Things You Should Know
  • Healthy adult turtles can go up to 7 days without eating anything, but they can’t go a day without drinking water.
  • Turtles can survive a week without eating because of their low metabolisms and natural ability to preserve energy.
  • Use an automatic feeder or ask a friend to feed your turtle if you’ll be away for more than 3 days.

How many days can a pet turtle go without eating?

Adult pet turtles can survive 7 days without food. Healthy adult turtles can last up to a week without food; however, they must have a stable and clean water source. While a pet turtle can survive without food for up to 7 days, it cannot survive more than 1 day without water. Inactive adult turtles (turtles in hibernation) can last up to 6 months without food, as their metabolisms preserve the energy from their last meal to help them stay alive.

Juvenile pet turtles can only last around 2 days without food. Unlike adult turtles, juvenile pet turtles (between 6 and 12 months old) shouldn’t go without eating for extended periods of time. This is because they’re still growing and need a regular supply of nutrients to fuel their changing bodies. Like adult turtles, juvenile turtles cannot survive without clean, drinking water. Turtles under 6 months of age should never go without food, as they need to be fed at least once a day to encourage growth and remain healthy.

Turtles can go so long without food because they conserve their energy. Turtles are naturally slow creatures, which means they don’t use nearly the same amount of energy as you do! They have a slow metabolism, meaning their food takes longer to digest. Because of this, they can do day-to-day activities without using too much energy. Along with this, a turtle’s internal body temperature depends on their surroundings, meaning that they don’t have to use energy to warm themselves. Fun Fact: A turtle’s slow-moving life may also play a part in the species’ long lifespan. On average, most pet turtle species live between 15 and 30 years.

How do you feed a turtle when on vacation?

Feed your turtle on vacation with an automatic feeder, or ask someone for help. If you’re going away for more than 3 days at a time and have an adult pet turtle, you’ll need to put some parameters in place to keep your turtle happy while you’re gone. Invest in an automatic feeder to keep your turtle fed, or ask a trusted loved one to pop in each day to give your turtle a meal. Some automatic feeders connect to your phone with an app so that you can feed your turtle from anywhere at any time with the push of a button. Ensure that your turtle’s tank is clean before you leave. Leave instructions for your loved one on how to feed your turtle. This way, they’ll know exactly what to do and will only have to contact you in the case of an emergency.

How long can a wild turtle survive without food?

Wild turtles can survive without food for months. Unlike pet turtles, scientists say that wild adult turtles can go without a meal for up to 3 months when they’re not hibernating. However, like pet turtles, they can not survive more than a day without water. How long a wild turtle can live without food depends on their species and ability to withstand extreme conditions and adapt.

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