How to Climb Stairs With a Broken Leg
How to Climb Stairs With a Broken Leg
So you've gotten used to walking on crutches while your broken or otherwise injured leg/foot is healing. But now you're faced with a new challenge: climbing stairs. If you haven't already discussed it with your doctor or physical therapist, this article will teach you the basics of climbing stairs safely.

Examine the staircase before you take your first step. Look for hazards that could cause you to trip and fall (e.g. toys, books, etc) and remove them or ask someone to do so. Check which side the handrails are and if they switch sides. Also check if there are any curves in the steps. Note the last two points as you will need the information to help you.

Get rid of the crutch from the side that the handrail is located. For example, if the handrail is on your right side to begin with, remove the crutch from your right hand. Carry that crutch with your other hand so that you're carrying both crutches with one hand. However, many stairs have handrails on both sides, so it wouldn't matter which crutch you get rid of. It's easier to do this with forearm crutches because of their slimmer design.

Hold onto the handrail with your free hand. Make sure you have a good grip.

To proceed to climb the first step, push down on the crutch to transfer your weight and hop onto the step with your good leg. Your injured leg should follow once you're on that step. Bring the crutch beside you.

Repeat this process until you reach the top.

Going down the stairs is essentially the same process in a different order: Grab the handrail and place the crutch onto the lower step. Hover your injured leg over the step and hop down with your good leg. Make sure to transfer your weight onto the crutch. Repeat this process until you're at the bottom.

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