How to Get On a Ski Lift with a Snowboard
How to Get On a Ski Lift with a Snowboard
Getting on the lift with a snowboard is not that hard, but when things go wrong, the whole world will seem to despise you for shutting down the lift. Fortunately, many modern lifts have "detachable" chairs that slow down for load and unload making them a great deal easier to learn how to get on and off.

Release your rear foot from its binding. Unfasten or step out of your rear binding before you get on the chairlift. It must be your rear! Again, make sure your front binding is fastened tightly as well as making sure the leash is attached. Also, be sure to fold down the back part of the rear binding. This is to prevent it being broken by the weight of the chair when you sit down.

"Skate" to the chairlift line. Put the released foot to either side of the snowboard and push. This is called skating. It's like being on a skateboard. You push your rear foot to move and balance on your lead foot.

Get in the line and wait until the people in front of you move out to get on their chair. Then move up to the gate and stop. There will be a red line indicating to you where to stop.

When the lift operator gives you the go ahead, move forward to the spot where the chair will pick you up. Make sure the nose of your board is pointed "uphill". Then place your "free foot (back foot)" on the snow on the heel side of the board and stand in the most natural position you can.

Look behind you as the chair approaches, making sure to look to your outside shoulder opposite the center of the chair. Bend your knees slightly, so that when the chair comes around it won’t knock you over. When it is right behind you, sit down on it and have the nose of your board still pointed "uphill".

Sit down in the chair while grabbing the outside of it as it swings in underneath you and touches the back of your legs.

Scoot back in the chair as it sinks a little just before taking off up the hill.

Lift the nose of your board slightly to avoid the edge from catching the snow and dragging.

Once everyone is seated comfortably, lower the safety bar. Make sure you don't hit anyone in the head when you do this. If the safety bar has footrests, you can rest your board on them.

Prepare to get off. Lift up the safety bar. Point the nose of the board up so it doesn't accidentally get planted on the ground.

Get off gracefully. At the exit point put your back foot on the stomp pad on your board which is right in front of your rear binding. Stand up and go straight. After you slow down skate out of the way of the lift and strap your rear foot back onto the board. Don't attempt to turn while you are coming off the chairlift as it will risk the odds you fall down. Just go straight till you slow down naturally.

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