Anganwadi centres shifted to safer places
Anganwadi centres shifted to safer places

Post-Ranpur tragedy in which seven schoolchildren lost their lives following a wall collapse, all Anganwadi centres that were running in dilapidated and unsafe buildings in the district have been shifted to elementary schools, community buildings and rented accommodations.

At least 400 out of 1,142 centres were functioning in unsafe buildings. Significantly, 166 out of 240 centres in Ranpur were housed in dilapidated structures, sources in the District Social Welfare Office said.

Among the 402 mini-Anganwadi centres in the district, 22 are being run from ramshackle houses while 104 are still on paper. Same is the case with 78 mini- centres at Ranpur which are yet to start functioning.

The CDPOs were earlier directed to hold Anganwadi classes in school buildings, community centres or rented accommodations from 7 am to 11 am and in its own building from 9 am to 2 pm. The school kitchen for Mid-day Meal would double up as Anganwadi kitchen. Besides CDPOs and supervisors, BRCCs, CRCCs and SI of schools have been asked to monitor the activities of Anganwadi centres and report on safety of buildings.

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