Assam SEBA HSLC Compartment Exam 2018 Result Expected at 1pm On Friday on, Stay Tuned

Assam SEBA HSLC Compartment Exam 2018 result is expected to be released at 1pm today by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam on its official website - The results will also be available on
The Assam Board had organized HSLC or Class 10th compartment examination 2018 in July, last month, in 72 centers across the state. Candidates who had appeared in the class 10th compartment examination 2018 must keep a close tab on the official website to check and download the results once declared by SEBA.
The result of High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) Board Exams was declared by Board of Secondary Education, Assam on 25th May 2018 and students registered a pass percentage of 56.04%. Candidates who were not able to clear one subject in the 1st attempt were given the chance to reappear in the examination to improve their marks and overall result.
The policy of grace marks will continue for the lower level performance as decided by the Board to improve the overall pass percentage of the results.
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