Curbing Iran's N-plan means war: China
Curbing Iran's N-plan means war: China
China expressed concern that a proposed UN resolution to curb Iran's nuclear programme could lead to a new war.

United Nations: China expressed concern that a proposed UN resolution to curb Iran's nuclear programme could lead to a new war and called on Britain and France to eliminate any reference to possible future sanctions or military action against Tehran.

China's UN Ambassador Wang Guangya remained adamant in his opposition to putting the resolution under Chapter Seven of the UN Charter, which sets out actions to respond to threats to international peace and security ranging from breaking diplomatic relations to arms embargoes, economic sanctions and the use of force.

Britain and France, which are sponsoring the resolution with strong backing from the United States, insist that the resolution must be under Chapter Seven to make its demand that Tehran suspend uranium enrichment legally binding.

But Wang disagreed, saying China takes the view that all Security Council resolutions are legally binding and there is no need for a reference to Chapter Seven 'because Chapter Seven is about enforcement measures'.

"I believe it is time since the Iranians have not cooperated, have not complied, have not responded positively - so I think a Security Council resolution is needed," he said. "But I think that the resolution has to be (an) appropriate resolution."

Asked whether he believed that a resolution under Chapter Seven could lead the Security Council further down the path that led to the Iraq war, the Chinese ambassador replied, "Yes, this is a concern."

Wang spoke to reporters before a meeting of ambassadors from the five veto-wielding permanent nations on the Security Council - the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France.

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