Does God really exist?
Does God really exist?

Let us see an incident from the life of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He was an enlightened master. Many people from all over the country flocked to visit him at Calcutta. There was a famous pandit during his time. This pandit was a very learned person. He was an expert in many forms of learning, but he had no faith in God. The pandit was very jealous of Paramahamsa’s popularity.

He wanted to have a debate with Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to show his expertise and prove to him that there was no God. The pandit argued well, citing a number of points, incidents and examples to put forth his argument with great skill and expertise. All the disciples of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa were listening with rapt attention. The disciples feared the possibility of non-existence of God being proved!

Such was the eloquence of the pandit’s convincing skills.Ramakrishna Paramahamsa listened compassionately.

Finally he smiled and said, ‘Excellent! Wonderful! Your point of view was fantastic! You spoke with great skill. In every single word you uttered, I could see God’s radiance dancing. My heartfelt thanks to you for showing me God in and through your logic!’ The pandit was dumbfounded.

The vedas describe God as one without a beginning and an end. What is it that is without a beginning or an end? The very Existence! In that way, existence is God.

A village was starved of rain for many seasons. The fields were parched, the wells had dried. At that stage, a Zen monk came to the village. People described their pathetic condition with tears in their eyes. The monk decided to relieve them of their sufferings. He requested for a place in the centre of the village to meditate. During the course of his meditation, the rain God was pleased and showered the village with heavy rain. The villagers drenched in joy. They gathered around the monk with tears of gratitude and exclaimed, ‘How did you manage to do this?’

The monk replied, ‘As I meditated, a sense of peace dawned in my mind and harmony set in my body. The atmosphere around me was in tune with harmony. The harmony created a difference externally; thereby enabling transformation of the season of no rain. So, it rained. If you are in harmony, nature will be in harmony with you.’

If there is peace of mind within, the same would spread outwardly also. So is it with nature. If one does not cheat others, nature would not betray mankind. This was the philosophy proved by the Zen monk!

This is not magic or mumbo-jumbo! One should accept it as a scientific truth. Nature consists of so many wonders that are beyond our comprehension.

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