Google to rechristen Blogger, Picasa
Google to rechristen Blogger, Picasa
Google is rebranding Blogger and Picasa in a move to push Google+.

New Delhi: Google is rebranding Blogger and Picasa in a move to push its newly launched social media product Google+, reports Mashable.

The move is said to be a part of Google initiative to unify its brands under the Google branding ahead of the public launch of Google+ in late July. Google's popular blogging platform is expected to be rebranded as Google Blog and the photo sharing service will be called Google Photos.

Both the services were originally not developed by Google. The search engine giant purchased Blogger in 2003 and Picasa was acquired in 2004. YouTube, that Google bought in November 2006, is believed to remain unaffected, but several other Google products are expected be rebranded.

Though Google hasn't in the past rebranded any major product, this exercise will be the largest in the company's history.

Google designed the Google+ service to tie together all of its online properties, laying the foundation for a full-fledged social network. It is the company's biggest foray into social networking since co-founder Larry Page took over as chief executive in April.

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