Hemingway high in US-Cuba ties
Hemingway high in US-Cuba ties
Look, who is playing peace-maker between the usually feuding Havana and Washington! Ernest Hemingway, who else.

New Delhi: Look, who is playing peace-maker between the usually feuding Havana and Washington! Ernest Hemingway, who else.

Cuba is sending copies of more than 20,000 pages of material belonging to the Nobel Prize-winning US writer to the Library of Congress in Washington DC as part of a deal on restoring Hemingway's legacy.

The papers include copies of Hemingway's letters and some of his famous novels. According to BBC, the documents also include copies of letters in which Hemingway outlines his stance on World War II and the Spanish Civil War.

Copies of his novels, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea - inspired by his time in Cuba - have also been sent to the US.

The originals are expected to remain at a museum at the writer's former house in Havana, Cuba.

Cuban and US experts have also been working together on the restoration of a museum at the former writer's house in Cuba.

Ernest Hemingway lived in Cuba on and off for more than 30 years between 1939 and 1960.

"The documents being sent to the US amounted to an 'invaluable' gift relating to that period," BBC.com quoted Marta Arjona, the head of Cuba's National Heritage Council, as saying.

She said the move was part of an agreement, reached in 2002, to restore and digitise some 11,000 documents relating to Hemingway. Under the agreement, US experts have travelled to Cuba to help restore the museum, Arjona said.

According to BBC, Cuba has met all the costs of the restoration. The museum, the Museo Ernest Hemingway, is in the house where the novelist lived while he was in Havana. Established in 1962, it houses the writer's furniture and personal possessions, as well as works of art and books, BBC reported.

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