Move 'further and faster' on 26/11: Miliband tells Pak
Move 'further and faster' on 26/11: Miliband tells Pak
He thinks that this is the absolute next step and the sooner it happens the better.

London: British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says Pakistan must move “further and faster” in punishing those responsible for the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks in order to repair broken trust.

“The sooner it happens the better,” he said Wednesday.

“I think that… the absolute priority is for the Pakistani government to go further and faster in turning the detention of those who… were associated with the Mumbai bombings into prosecutions; then, if they're found guilty, into punishment,” Miliband said.

“Because that is the absolute fundamental building block of any sort of rebuilding of trust that could occur,” he said after delivering an address at the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), a leading thinktank.

He said that during his visit to Pakistan last month he was struck by the “unanimity in view that terrorism posed a mortal threat to Pakistan,” adding: “Both the military leaders and the civilian leaders spoke clearly and passionately about that.”

“I think that that now needs to be turned into action at federal level but also at state level - because this has got deep roots. I think that that is the absolute next step and the sooner it happens the better.”

The British minister said that although there had been meetings between Indian and Pakistani officials in Islamabad, “it needs to be translated in prosecutions and then if people are found guilty, into punishment.”

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