Plan to bunk class? think before you try
Plan to bunk class? think before you try
BANGALORE: With many city schools and colleges becoming tech savvy, coming days seem difficult for the outstanding students, who..

BANGALORE: With many city schools and colleges becoming tech savvy, coming days seem difficult for the ‘outstanding students’, who prefer to stay outside the class rather than inside. TNIE takes a look at what helps educational institutions take a step ahead to the smart students.Work diary in actionStudents at Baldwin Methodist PU College possess a work diary. This work diary is to be carried by the students every day, where they make a note of what they learn in school. This is further checked and signed by teachers and parents. Principal Dr Joshua Samuel said parents had lauded this move.“If students bunk, teacher’s can write absent remark in the next class,” he added.Servers calculate attendanceMamatha Shivakumar, incharge Principal, Oxford College of Arts said, “A server in the college maintains the attendance details of the students. Teachers feed the absentees name in the server, which automatically calculates the attendance percentage of each student and saves in the data base.” Special in-built softwareD Shashi Kumar, Principal, Blossoms Education Society said that the school has implemented a special in-built software.“We were informed many students carry casual clothes in their bags and walk out of the house wearing uniform.These students bunked classes regularly and later changed to uniforms before returning home. Hence, to curb this practice, we feed the list of absentees in our data base. Once absentees’ name is registered, an SMS will be sent to the parents,” he said.Teachers and parents opine such stringent measures adopted by educational institutions results in students attending classes regularly. 

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