PM's order: Stop harassing Muslims
PM's order: Stop harassing Muslims
Terrorists have no religion and law enforcement agencies must stop targeting Muslims, says the PM.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday said it was wrong to blame a particular community for terrorism and action against militants should be based on concrete evidence.

“Terrorism should not be linked to Islam or any other religion, caste or creed," he said at a conference of Muslim ulemas (scholars) on ‘Terrorism: Causes and Remedies’ in Delhi.

Muslim leaders have often alleged that the police and law enforcing agencies are targeting Muslims and this had created a sense of insecurity among the community.

"This happens some time but it should not happen," the Prime Minister said adding said he would convene a meeting of Chief Ministers on agencies’ investigation methods.

''I will speak to the Chief Ministers, and the Centre will act to see that the injustice is stopped,'' the Prime Minister said.

Describing attempts to associate Islam with terrorism as a ''ghatia saazish''(dirty conspiracy), Singh promised action against people who were harassing Muslims in the name of conducting investigations.

''Terrorism has no religion...I understand you plight and sensitivities as about 15 years ago, all Sikhs were also put under suspicion in similar circumstances,''

Describing terrorists as "traitors and frauds", Singh said terrorism should be stamped out at any cost and sought the cooperation of Muslim leaders.

Ulemas from Mumbai told the PM that in Mumbai Muslims were being harassed after the July 11 train blasts.

They alleged officials in Mumbai suspected Muslims for the blasts and were not following leads on international agencies which wanted to disturb the peace of the country.

The Prime Minister asked the ulemas to guide Mulsim youth. "You should guide their thinking and give a new direction to them so that they could contribute to the progress of the country."

He called for the modernisation of madrassas, so that their students are able to earn a living. He said the country cannot progress if 15 crore Muslims of the country remained uneducated and backward.

He stressed on the education of Muslim women and assured the government's full cooperation and financial assistance in the task.

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