The police have filed an FIR against an MLA from Ambala under the Prevention of Insult to National Honour Act.
New Delhi: The police have filed an FIR against DK Bansal, the MLA from Ambala (Cantt), under the Prevention of Insult to National Honour Act.
MLA Bansal is accused of altering the national flag and pasting the photographs of the Prime Minister, Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Haryana Chief Minister BS Hooda, Union Minister Jumari Selja among others.
MLA Bansal has been booked under the Prevention of Insult to National Honour Act 1971.
Bansal is also accused of making alterations in the national flag. Earlier, he had been accused in the job scam in Haryana exposed by CNN-IBN on Thursday.
Union Minister for Urban Development Kumari Selja’s name also figured in the scam.
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