Strays may no longer dog Mumbai's lanes
Strays may no longer dog Mumbai's lanes
BMC has acquired 43 acres of land in Thane to house Mumbai's strays.

New Delhi: There may be some good news for dog lovers in Mumbai. The Municipal Corporation is planning a separate township for stray dogs.

The BMC has already acquired 43 acres of land in Thane district to house strays from the city. The idea is to have NGO run dog shelters in these plots.

Municipal Commissioner Jairaj Pathak came up with the plan after he faced severe criticism for his remark that killing is the only answer to the stray dog menace.

The idea however is not being welcomed by people living near the proposed site. Even NGOs are questioning the feasibility of the project. The BMC plans to hear these parties and decide on the economic viability before going ahead with the project.

"If we relocate these dogs, it is not safe for the people there. In case the dogs manage to break loose, it'll be dangerous. Also the NGOs there might ask the BMC to feed the dogs which effectively means, that that BMC is not feeding poor people in the city but feeding stray dogs which have been externed from the city," says Pathak.

As of now, the plan is on the cards though. And dog lovers are feverishly hoping that the housing shelter for strays becomes a reality soon.

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