Tamil Nadu shuts down, bandh for Sri Lankan Tamils
Tamil Nadu shuts down, bandh for Sri Lankan Tamils
Regional parties in TN say that they sympathise with civilian deaths in SL.

Chennai: Over three lakh state government employees have decided to back the state-wide bandh (closure) call given by the PMK, MDMK and CPI. The political parties calling for the strike say that they are doing so because of the perilous situation in Sri lanka where lakhs of Tamilian Sri Lankans face assault from the SL army.

The Indian regional political parties seel a ceasefire in Sri Lanka. seeking a ceasefire in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan Tamils Protection Movement, an umbrella organisation consisting of parties like the PMK, CPI and the MDMK have called for a bandh across the Tamil Nadu on Wednesday.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday had refused to stay the bandh saying the parties have a right to express their feelings. Meanwhile, the ruling party in the state has opposed the bandh terming it against law.

Normal life in Tamil Nadu will come to a standstill though public transport will function normally. Incidentally, it also happens to be the day Sri Lanka celebrates its 61st independence day.

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