Winning comeback by Holyfield
Winning comeback by Holyfield
Holyfield ended a career-worst skid of three straight losses since his last victory, over Hasim Rahman.

Dallas: Evander Holyfield began his latest comeback looking more like "The Real Deal" than he has in years.

Holyfield rocked Jeremy Bates into the ropes late in the first round, withstood a few hard shots -- including one to his face -- early in the second, then cornered and pummeled his insurance-salesman foe to earn a technical knockout with four seconds left in the round, capturing his first victory since June 2002.

"I was able to do the things I haven't been doing in about five years," said Holyfield, crediting his 21-month layoff for renewed health.

"I'm happy to be able to go out and fight the way I'm capable of fighting. I fought with a lot of confidence."

This fight began what's being hyped as "Holyfield V, The Final Chapter," which he fully expects to end with him becoming the heavyweight champion for the fifth time. He's already the only four-time winner.

The 43-year-old Holyfield ended a career-worst skid of three straight losses since his last victory, over Hasim Rahman.

That doesn't even include getting KO'd last summer on the reality television show "Dancing With The Stars".

Holyfield feels so good that he's already lined up a tough next fight -- facing Sinan Samil Sam of Turkey, fifth in the latest WBC ratings.

Holyfield said it likely would be in November, with one of his handlers saying it would be "in an international city." A formal announcement is expected next week.

"I look at this as the first step. The next step is the major step," said Holyfield, who believes he can have a title fight next year and aims to unify the belts and call it quits for good in 2008.

Holyfield came out to loud cheers from a crowd of about 8,000. They chanted "Ho-ly-field!" about 45 seconds in, then he really got them roaring over the last 30 seconds of the first round.

He trapped Bates on the far side of the ring, bouncing him against the ropes with a flurry of punches. The bell saved Bates from further damage.


Bates (21-12-2) had his best success with several hard rights that pushed Holyfield back in the second round.

A body blow followed the pop in the chops, but several clinches sapped whatever momentum Bates was building.

"He threw a good right hand," Holyfield said. "I saw it, but it still knocked me off balance. Then I made the adjustment. I bent my legs and that took some of the snap off the shot."

Holyfield soon pinned Bates again and began pounding his face and body. There was so little resistance that referee Rafael Ramos stopped the fight rather than let Bates be saved by the bell again.

"I wanted the people to see the real Evander is back," Holyfield said.

Holyfield figures his age isn't a factor in his title bid because George Foreman got the title at 45.

And he dismisses his lack of success the past five years to shoulder and back injuries, as well as cramps, all of which improved during a layoff partially forced by New York officials revoking his license because of "diminished skills and poor performance" in his previous fight, a November 2004 loss to Larry Donald.

Holyfield said he didn't need this quick victory to prove he's back -- but his doubters probably did.

"It's what it did for other people," he said. "Age is a number, if you're willing to pay the price that's necessary."

Bates, 32, came in making no secret of his admiration for Holyfield, calling him "my hero" and repeatedly saying he was "just happy to be here."

He got into boxing after watching Holyfield at the 1984 Olympics, and then became a three-time Golden Gloves champion in West Virginia.

Nicknamed "The Beast," Bates had only middling success as a pro and retired in December. He took an easy payday in April, then was so excited to have the chance to face Holyfield that he came back again -- only this time taking eight weeks off work to train, getting into what he said was the best shape of his life.

He's already told his boss he'll be back at work Monday.

And he'll take with him a great memory of his one brief flurry.

"I thought, 'Oh my God, I just caught Evander Holyfield,"' Bates said.

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