The human body employs various mechanisms to maintain health, with sneezing being a common method to expel internal impurities. As the cold season begins, colds and coughs become prevalent, making sneezing a crucial process for maintaining a clean and healthy nose.
Sneezing is inherently beneficial for the body and is a universal experience. However, it is a common cultural practice for individuals to say ‘sorry’ or ‘God bless you’ when someone sneezes. This polite gesture is ingrained from childhood, yet many may not understand its origin. Today, let’s explore the reasons behind using these words during a sneeze, shedding light on the cultural and social aspects associated with this common bodily function.
According to reports, the process of sneezing affects the body a lot. There is frequently a chance of dying when sneezing. During this time the body creates a lot of pressure. For this reason, when we hear someone sneeze, we use the word “God bless you.” However, sneezing is very important for the human body. It brings out the dirt. But many people make the mistake of stopping their sneezing, which is very dangerous for their health. However, one can cover their nose with a handkerchief before sneezing in public if they cannot control their sneezing at all.
On the other hand, while we sneeze, all the harmful components in our nose can affect those around us. It implies that when we sneeze, it may hurt other people. Some may even possibly get sick. It is the reason why we should cover our noses immediately before sneezing with clean handkerchiefs or tissues and say sorry or excuse me while sneezing.
However, one should never control sneezing by applying various tricks like pulling the ears, putting the tongue between the teeth, and touching the nose. All of these techniques stimulate the trigeminal sensory nerve. It stops signals of discomfort from reaching the brain. Thus, the process of sneezing also stops.
As per reports, when one tries to stop their sneeze, the air pressure created at that time goes to other places in the body. It puts extra pressure on the eyes, ears, and blood vessels, which is considered to be very harmful to the body. So, as per experts, one should not try to stop sneezing.
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