These 2 Identical Cat Photos Have 3 Differences; Can You Spot Them In 9 Seconds?
These 2 Identical Cat Photos Have 3 Differences; Can You Spot Them In 9 Seconds?
These challenges are a good way to determine and improve your observational and thinking skills.

Optical illusions and brain teasers are the best and equally fun ways to exercise your brain. It helps in boosting our memories, observational as well as thinking skills. Here are two identical images of an adorable cat for you, in which you have to spot three differences within 9 seconds. Can you do it? Brain teasers can be very beneficial for improving our observational skills. So, let’s see if you can challenge yourself to find three differences in these identical cat images. It may seem easy, but you have to look very carefully at the two images to complete the game, especially when you have only 9 seconds. It may be easier for people with better observation and focus, as they will spot the discrepancies easily; however, time management could be a problem.

Okay, so if you were unable to find the differences in the allotted time, do not worry; we got you.

The first difference lies in the cat’s left paw, as you will see another paw behind the first one in the left image, while it has disappeared in the right image.

The second difference is the cat’s left ear. In the left image, there is more black space on the left ear, while in the next image it is just a thin outline. And the last difference can be found on the cat’s left whiskers. The lowest whisker is extended out of the cat’s face in the first image and in the next image, it only touches its outline.

Such spot-the-difference challenges or puzzles are not only fun but also test your skills of observation, memory and thinking, improving those. These games improve our critical thinking skills, help in cognitive development as well as enhance our memories.

It is believed that when we look at an image, our brain zeroes in on the bigger picture, filtering out the little details. That is why most people tend to miss out on small details. So, to overcome that you have to give all your focus, observing everything in detail.

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