There are many things on Google that are rather unpleasant or NSFW, filtered to protect viewers and searching for these topics may show unfavourable results. While many know about fun search terms like ‘thanos snap’ or ‘do a barrel roll’ there are certain terms best left unexplored. Some involve health related content not suitable for everyone. For many, Google is the go to platform for understanding health symptoms, but some outcomes might not be what you expect or want to see. To safeguard others, Reddit users came together to compile a brief list of topics that are best avoided on Google.
A person mistakenly searched for ‘mouth larva’ while intending to search for ‘moth larva’. While ‘moth larva’ refers to the insect’s early stage, ‘mouth larva’ relates to parasites hatching inside animal or human mouths. These parasites reside within their hosts, leading to a hazardous infection known as ‘oral myiasis’. Considering the suggestion, the user advised to avoid googling ‘mouth larva’ to avoid coming across graphic content.
Another redditor urged people to refrain from searching for the term ‘degloving.’ While the term might initially resemble the act of removing gloves, it actually refers to a traumatic injury where portions of skin and body tissue get forcefully torn away from the body. The word specifically means when a part of the body is separated from muscles, tissues or even bones.
What shouldn’t you Google?by inAskReddit
It’s highly recommended to avoid searching for “Pictures of skin from people who have used the street drug called krokodil,” also known as crocodile. This drug, named after a crocodile, can cause dark, rough patches on the body, resembling a crocodile’s skin. However, due to its disturbing nature, it’s advisable to refrain from searching for images related to individuals affected by this drug.
An individual warned people against searching for the term ‘Fournier,’ coincidentally an NBA player’s last name. However, apart from being a French surname, it is also associated with a severe necrotic infection affecting the genital area. Another advised against searching for ‘Harlequin ichthyosis,’ a rare skin condition affecting newborn babies. This condition causes thick plates that resemble fish scales, making life challenging for the affected infant.
A redditor wrote, “Calculus Bridge. Whatever you do, DON’T Google Calculus Bridge.” Although it might appear as a complex math problem, it actually refers to a major dental concern. Calculus Bridge means hardened plaque that forms across the teeth. It can build up on teeth, particularly along the gumline and may require professional dental cleaning to remove it.
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