Beatles can't have apple forever
Beatles can't have apple forever
Apple Computer Inc. is entitled to use the apple logo on its iTunes Music Store, a London court ruled rejecting a suit filed by Apple Corps Ltd.

London: The Beatles may have strawberry fields forever but they don't own the apple.

Apple Computer Inc. is entitled to use the apple logo on its iTunes Music Store, a London court ruled on Monday rejecting a suit filed by Apple Corps Ltd., the guardian of The Beatles' commercial interests.

After hearing a petition filed by the Beatles-owned company Apple corps that wanted the court to stop American company Apple from using the apple name and logo for its music operations, Judge Edward Mann rejected the suit.

Mann ruled that the logo was used in association with the store, not the music, and thus was not a breach.

Lawyers for US-based Apple Computer had argued that it was conducting its business legally and that music lovers are smart enough to tell the difference between the logos.

Apple Corps uses a shiny green apple as its logo, while Apple Computer has a cartoon-like apple with a neat bite taken out.

However, the lawyers for The Beatles say they will appeal further.

Apple Corps was started by the Beatles in 1968 and is still owned by Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, the widow of John Lennon and the estate of George Harrison.

(With inputs from AP)

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