Despite facing personal tragedy, with two of them losing their father during the examinations, three students passed the Class 12 Tamil Nadu Board exam with flying colours.
R Rajeswari of Cuddalore had to appear for the Physics test much against her wishes when her father died suddenly on the day her exam was to be held.
“I was not in a position to appear for the exam. But my relatives compelled me to write saying that an academic year will be lost,” she said.
She could still remember her grief over losing her father in March. “I didn’t know how I was able to write. Everyone in the school has been supportive. When the result was announced today I was surprised that I scored 70 marks out of 100 in Physics,” Rajeswari said. Overall, she scored 474 marks out of 500.
In the case of Tarun of Gudalur, his father died on the day of his exam. Nevertheless, surmounting the grief, he wrote the exams and scored 453 out of 500 marks.
17-year-old Chinnadurai, belonging to the Scheduled Caste almost gave up the intention to complete his Plus Two after he became a victim of caste violence in August last year.
Six students from his school attacked and inflicted cut injuries on Chinnadurai at his house in Nanguneri in Tirunelveli district. His younger sister who intervened too received cut injuries. Both were hospitalised. Chinnadurai’s grandfather later died of shock.
He decided to drop out of school but his school teachers and elders persuaded him to pursue studies and write the board exam. The result was spectacular. He secured 469 out of 500.
As per the 12th standard examination results announced at the Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI) campus here, a total of 7,19,196 students out of the 7,60,606 who appeared in the board exam in March this year have passed.
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