What does “Bismillah” mean?
“Bismillah” means “In the name of Allah” in Arabic. “Bismillah” (also Basmalah) is the name of the invocation that appears at the beginning of all of the surahs (or chapters) of the Qu’ran except one. It’s also a shortened form of “Bismillahi ar-Rahmani ar-Raheem,” which means “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,” a phrase Muslims say before reciting a passage from the Qur’an. The bā’ at the beginning of bismillah is the second letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alone, it means “by invoking.” Ism can mean an attribute or a name. When combined with bā’, it becomes a compound word meaning “in the name of.” Allah is the name of God in the Islamic faith, completing the translation “in the name of Allah.”
How & When is “Bismillah” used?
Followers of Islam say “Bismillah” as a part of their worship. “Bismillah” is a very important phrase to Muslims and is seen as a way to add barakah (or blessings) to their actions. It’s also a prayer or way to begin a prayer that asks Allah for protection and mercy.
“Bismillah” signals the beginning of worship or a plea for blessings. Worship can take the form of praying or reading from the Qu’ran. “Bismillah” is also used as a way to ask God to be with you as you take some form of action in your day. Reciting before you eat, drink, leave the house, and start a conversation are among the many ways to use “Bismillah” to be closer to God in your daily life. It’s acceptable to recite “Bismillah” out loud or silently, depending on how you are taught. “Bismillah” is not used to say “thank you.” However, “Alhamdulillah” is often translated as “Thank God” or “Praise be to God.” It’s used as an expression of gratitude and appreciation to Allah.
Say “Bismillah” before you eat or drink. Reciting “Bismillah” before you begin to eat or drink prevents Shaitan (or Satan) from dining with you. If you forget to say it before you start eating, you can say, “Bismillah fi awwalihi wa akhirih,” which means, “In the Name of Allah at the beginning and at the end.” It doesn’t matter how much food you are eating. You should say “Bismillah” before taking a bite, even if you only have a snack.
Protect your home by saying “Bismillah” when you enter and exit. By speaking the name of Allah when you enter or exit your house, you are showing shayateen (devils) that God protects you and they will not try to enter your house. It also protects you outside your home, keeping the Devil far away from you. When closing doors or turning off a light, say “Bismillah” to prevent devils from opening the doors or using the cover of darkness to come close to you.
Repeat “Bismillah” 3 times to bring relief when you’re sick. No matter how sick you are or how much pain you’re in, you can find relief through the blessings of Allah. Place your hand where you feel pain, say “Bismillah” 3 times, and then recite, “A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru,” 7 times. “ A’udhu bi’izzatillahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa ‘uhadhiru,” means “I seek refuge with Allah and with His Power from the evil that afflicts me and that which I apprehend.”
Say “Bismillah” before becoming intimate with your spouse. When you say “Bismillah” during intercourse, any child you conceive will be protected from harm. It may also help ensure your baby is among the servants of Allah and will not commit major sins. The full phrase is, “Bismillah, Allahumma jannibni-Sh-Shaitan wa jannib-ish-Shaitan ma razaqtana.” It means, “I am having relations in the name of Allah. O Allah, save us from Satan and keep him away from the children You grant us. The child that is born after the recitation of this dua will never be harmed by Satan.”
What is the significance of “Bismillah”?
Muslims use “Bismillah” as an invocation to God. This phrase is a way to acknowledge that everything is part of Allah’s creation and that your activities are by Allah’s grace. Reciting it is consciously showing gratitude to your Creator and asking for His blessings in your life.
“Bismillah” is a part of the daily rituals of Muslims. Followers of Islam say “Bismillah” before everything they do, with the goal of using it as much as possible. It’s also a method to prevent sin because they are reminding themselves of the presence of God in their lives. Muslim children learn to say “Bismillah” at a very young age and are encouraged to use it before meals. It’s also used to ask for God’s help for success in studies, work, and other pursuits with a righteous purpose. It’s a way to affirm that you have pure intentions and are working in the name of Allah.
“Bismillah” is a form of spiritual protection. Muslims believe saying “Bismillah” can help protect them from distractions and evil influences. It can also act as a shield between you and the Devil since Shaitan becomes smaller in the presence of God. Saying “Bismillah” brings spiritual peace, contentment, and fulfillment because it is believed to bring you closer to Allah.
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