Exploring the Globe Emojis (???? ???? ???? ????) In Depth
Exploring the Globe Emojis (???? ???? ???? ????) In Depth
Somebody sent you one of the many globe emojis currently available, but you’re not sure what it means. Don’t worry—we’re here to explain. Some globe emojis represent different parts of the world, including the ???? (globe showing the Americas), ???? (globe showing Europe-Africa), and ???? (globe showing Asia-Australia) emojis, while the ???? (globe with meridians) relates more to the internet. Read on for a complete overview of all globe emojis and how you can use them!
Things You Should Know
  • ???? (Globe showing the Americas) represents North and South America, and the ???? (globe showing Europe-Africa) refers to the European and African continents.
  • ???? (globe with Asia-Australia) symbolizes the Asian and Australian continents—but all 3 globes also represent the Earth and international affairs.
  • The ???? (globe with meridians) emoji represents the World Wide Web, time zones, coordinates, and international affairs.

All ???? (Globe) Emoji Meanings

The ???? (globe showing Americas) depicts North and South America. Since multiple globe emojis depict different parts of the world, the ???? emoji can be specifically used to talk about information, news, and fun facts or thoughts related to North and South America, plus the Atlantic and Pacific regions. “Did you hear the news from Brazil today? ????” “Can’t wait to hit the beaches in Florida this spring! ????”

The ???? (globe with Europe-Africa) refers to European and African affairs. Because the ???? emoji features those continents, it’s generally a good idea to use it when you want to talk about something specifically connected to Europe or Africa. This could mean news, travel plans, or anything else! “Visiting Italy is totally on my bucket list. ????” “I think it’d be really cool to go on an African safari. What do you think? ????”

The ???? (globe with Asia-Australia) symbolizes Australia and Asia. You can use the ???? emoji when you’re texting about something related to the Australian or Asian continents—since that’s what the emoji depicts. Just like the other globe emojis, this one works in any context, so long as it involves Australia or Asia. “Haha, did you know Australia is technically the world’s largest island? ????” “If you could visit anywhere in Asia, where would you go? ????”

All globe emojis also represent Earth and general international affairs. Want to discuss an important piece of international news or bring up a cool scientific fact about the planet Earth? Then you’ll have your pick of emojis—because all 3 globes (????, ????, and ????) can be used to talk about the world (and world events). “Fun fact—the Earth is the fifth-largest planet in the solar system! ????” “World history is my favorite subject in school. ????”

Globe emojis stand for “globalist” on Twitter. Donald Trump’s anti-establishment views led to his supporters to coining the term “globalist,” mocking people they considered elite and privileged. Some Twitter users reclaimed the term (mostly progressives who are proud of their political ideologies), and they post ???? emojis next to their names to show that they’re “globalists.” However, you might see the ???? (globe with meridians) emoji next to someone’s name because of a trend started by PewDiePie, who unverified himself on Twitter. As a joke, he put a globe next to his name, saying that he was “globified” on Twitter instead.

???? (Globe with Meridians) Emoji Meanings

The ???? emoji is a symbol of the World Wide Web and interconnection. Want to mention a crazy fact you learned while surfing the internet or tell someone to check the internet for the info they need? Use the ???? emoji to do it. You can even use it to talk about any subject related to global communications. “Just switched to a new internet provider. ???? Honestly, it’s way better!” “I bet you can find out more about that if you look it up online! ????” You might also see the ???? emoji as an icon if you have an Apple device—and pressing the icon in question lets you change language keyboards.

The ???? emoji is used to refer to time zones and coordinates. You might use the ???? emoji to talk about time zone differences with someone, find coordinates on a globe, or even just mention an actual globe—specifically, a globe with meridians (the imaginary circles running through the globe’s North and South poles). “I wanna catch this soccer game, but I can’t remember the time zone it’s in! ????” “You’re going to visit family out of state week, right? Are you in the same time zone? ????”

The ???? emoji also represents international affairs and the world. Just like the regular ???? emojis, ???? can be used to talk about the world in general (since it’s technically a globe with meridians). You can even use the two emojis together because they depict different versions of a globe. “I swear, this news spread around the world like wildfire! ????” “Sometimes I think it’d be fun to cross the entire world!! ????????”

Responding to Globe Emojis

Show interest when you get info related to a particular region. If a friend messages you with one of the ???? emojis and wants to talk about their vacation plans or favorite places around the world in a particular region, for example, then engage with them! Listen to what they have to say, and ask questions if you can think of any. Them: “Would you ever want to visit Europe with me? ????” You: “Absolutely! I think it’d be amazing to backpack through a bunch of countries.”

Offer your perspective on world affairs when the topic comes up. Whether you get the ???? or ???? emoji in relation to a piece of news about the world or international affairs, keep the conversation going by sharing your thoughts on the topic at hand (and asking your friend for theirs). Them: “Did you watch the news today? ????” You: “Yeah, I did—and I thought it was really alarming. What did you think?”

Ask for details when you get news about internet trends. Somebody who sends you new information is probably looking for you to express a little curiosity—so indulge them. When you see the ???? emoji in a text about the latest internet fads or headlines, ask questions to encourage a longer discussion. Them: “Apparently there’s a new social media platform that’s really taking off ????” You: “Oh, really? What is it?? I’d be interested in trying something new, tbh.”

Do your best to answer questions about time zones. If someone uses the ???? emoji to ask a question about your current time zone (or some other time zone), answer them to the best of your abilities. After all, it can be a little tricky to keep track of them sometimes! Them: “What time is the football game? I can’t remember the right time zone, lol ????” You: “It’s 2 pm EST, so that means it’ll be 12 pm for us!”

Similar Emojis

Pair similar emojis with a ???? or ???? for variety. Emojis like ???? (alien), ???? (milky way), and ????️ (world map) can all work with a globe emoji—depending on what you’re trying to say! For example: “Do you think that aliens could’ve come to earth already? ????????” “Sometimes it blows my mind how tiny Earth is compared to the galaxy ????????” “Idk why but looking at world maps genuinely fascinates me! ????????️”

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