Getting Rid of Painful Pimples inside the Ear: 12 Expert-Approved Ways
Getting Rid of Painful Pimples inside the Ear: 12 Expert-Approved Ways
Waking up with a sensitive pimple is frustrating, especially when it’s inside your ear! The skin of the ear is just like the skin on any other part of your body. When pores in the ear get blocked, you can develop painful, hard-to-reach bumps or pimples. While leaving your ear pimple alone is typically best, we’ve got a variety of expert-approved medical and natural methods to help reduce swelling and inflammation, as well as tips to help you avoid ear acne from happening again. You’ll be on the road to recovery in no time!
Things You Should Know
  • Apply a 2-10% benzoyl peroxide cream to the pimple using a cotton swab. Reapply 1-2 times daily or until your blemish is gone.
  • Try placing a warm black tea bag over the pimple for 10 minutes, 3-4 times daily.
  • Wash the pimple with a salicylic acid cleanser and warm water daily.

Medical Remedies for Ear Pimples

Wash your hands before touching or treating the pimple. Before touching the pimple, ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and antibacterial soap. Touching acne with unclean hands can cause the pimples to get worse or even expose you to a staph infection like MRSA, as dirt and oil from your hands can further block your pores.

Wipe the pimple with an alcohol pad twice a day. 1 way to jump-start the healing process is to wipe the pimple with an alcohol pad in the morning and before bed. This helps keep the pimple from getting infected and stops an existing infection from spreading. It's a win-win!

Wash the pimple with a salicylic acid cleanser twice daily. A cleanser with salicylic acid will help unclog your infected pore and speed up the time it takes to heal. Apply a dollop of cleanser onto a warm washcloth or cotton swab, and gently wipe the affected area in the morning and before bed. Don't rub the pimple hard or aggressively, as this can cause further irritation. Use light pressure in a gentle, circular motion. If you’re using a cotton swab, only clean the outside of your ear with it (never inside the ear canal).

Apply benzoyl peroxide cream with a cotton swab. To help reduce the size of the pimple, apply an acne cream that includes 2-10% Benzoyl Peroxide. Using a cotton swab, apply a dab of acne cream onto the pimple and let it dry. Reapply the acne cream 1-2 times daily, in the morning and at night, until it goes away. Be sure to stop use if any irritation occurs.

Natural Remedies for Ear Pimples

Pop the pimple using cotton swabs if you really can't stand it. Dermatologists strongly advise against popping your pimples—the process can force the bacteria in your zit to go further into your skin, and even cause scars. If you really want to pop the zit, use 2 clean cotton swabs (or 2 clean fingers) and lightly press against the edges of the zit on both sides. If you're dealing with a whitehead or pustule, sterilize a needle and gently pierce the zit before applying pressure. Ear pimples might be hard to reach on your own. If you can't comfortably access the zit, don't try to pop it.

Apply a warm compress for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times daily. To speed up the natural popping of the pimple, try using a warm compress! Soak a washcloth in warm water, and wring it out. Then, fold the cloth in half and place it over the pimple. Leave the compress on for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times daily, or until the pimple disappears. A warm compress is particularly helpful for extra-painful, swollen pimples, as it will help reduce inflammation.

Place a damp, warm black tea bag on the pimple for 10 minutes. Start by wetting a black tea bag with hot water. Let the tea bag cool before placing it over the pimple and covering it with a warm, wet washcloth. The tea bag's tannins and the washcloth's heat will help reduce inflammation and bring the pimple to a head. Apply a fresh warm black tea bag on the pimple up to 4 times daily.

Soak a cotton ball in milk and let it sit for 10 minutes, 3-4 times daily. Milk has alpha hydroxy acids, which help unclog pores and remove dead skin. Simply soak a cotton ball in milk, squeeze the excess out, and let it sit on the pimple for 10 minutes, 3-4 times daily. Gently wash the area with lukewarm water after finishing the treatment.

Apply 1-2 drops of tea tree oil using a cotton swab. Tea tree oil has powerful antibacterial properties that can kill pimple-causing bacteria in no time! This superhero oil also speeds up healing and reduces redness with continued use. Simply apply 1-2 drops of tea tree oil onto a cotton swab, and spread the oil onto your pimple 1-2 times daily.

Apply aloe vera gel and leave it on for 20 minutes, 1-2 times daily. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that help clear up pimples and reduce painful swelling. Apply a dollop of gel to the pimple and leave it on for 20 minutes, 1-2 times daily. Remember to rinse the aloe off with lukewarm water in between applications. Consider using aloe vera gel straight from the plant!

Apply apple cider vinegar for 1 minute, 3-4 times a day. Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties that can prevent infection and bacterial growth. Plus, it also helps shrink pores! Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and wipe it over the pimple. Leave the solution on for about a minute, then rinse it off with water. Opt for a gentler solution like a warm compress if you have sensitive skin or a skin condition like eczema. Reapply the solution 3-4 times daily or until the pimple goes away.

Try an Epsom salt-soaked cotton ball 2-3 times daily. A saline solution is another effective way to send an ear pimple packing. ​​Mix 1 teaspoon (7 g) of Epsom salt with ½ cup (118 mL) cup of hot water, making sure the salt dissolves. When the mixture has cooled down, use a cotton ball to spread the saline solution on the pimple. After it dries, simply rinse off with water and repeat 2-3 times daily.

Let the pimple heal on its own. Ear pimples are often caused by dirt, shampoo, and earwax buildup and often go away as quickly as they show up. Just like any other pimple, if you don't aggravate it by picking at it, it'll heal up on its own. Ear pimples should clear up on their own in around 1 week. Don't try to pop the pimple. Aural pimples (pimples on the ear) are not only painful when squeezed, but if they are on the fleshy lobe of the ear or inside the ear, they can bleed and risk becoming infected. If you’re suffering from significant pain and inflammation, consider taking an over-the-counter drug like Advil to reduce your symptoms.

Preventing Ear Pimples

Wash your hands before touching or cleaning your ears. One of the most common reasons for ear pimples is a lack of hygiene. Touching your ears with unwashed hands can transfer oil and bacteria to the skin, which clogs the pores and causes pimples. Ear pimples form when the pores in and around your ear become infected by microbes and/or dead skin cells. From shampoo build-up to sweat, pretty much anything can cause a pore in your ear to become infected, resulting in a painful pimple.

Clean your ears with mild soap and water. Make sure to keep the shell of your ear, your earlobes, and behind your ear cleaned. Use mild soap and water to clean your ears when you shower or wash your face and hair. Shampoo, gel, and other hair products can irritate the ear and cause pimples.

Disinfect your telephone with soap and water. Dirt and bacteria transfer from our hands and build up on our phones. This bacteria can then lead to the formation of painful ear pustules. To combat this, wipe down your cell phone every few days with a cloth slightly dampened with soap and water.

Clean your headphones with an alcohol wipe. Since earbuds go into your ears, they often become caked with oil, earwax, and other dirt and grime. They pick up bacteria when they’re out of your ears, too! Use an alcohol wipe to clean your earbuds every few days to kick bacteria and the curb. If the pimple is in your external ear, don't use earphones until it's gone, as doing so will further aggravate the pimple. Dirty earphones can also lead to an ear infection should the bacteria get pushed into your ear canal.

See a doctor if your ear pimple lasts longer than 1 week. If your ear pimple starts to cause you extreme pain, swelling or is oozing discharge, it’s time to see a doctor. Your physician will give you an accurate diagnosis and provide you with something to help clear it up, like a prescription hydrocortisone cream. Other skin conditions, such as boils, often start by presenting as pimples as they begin to increase in size.

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