How to Attract a Pisces Aries Cusp Man
How to Attract a Pisces Aries Cusp Man
So, the guy you’ve got your eye on was born between March 17th and 23rd? Ruled by both Neptune and Mars, a Pisces-Aries cusper is quite an enigma. He's intuitive, gentle, impulsive, and impatient—all at the same time! We've consulted astrology experts to get the full scoop on this complex guy and we're ready to dish the details. Read on for our comprehensive guide to attracting a Pisces-Aries cusp man.

Be chatty and open.

Pisces-Aries cuspers love enthusiastic conversations. To appeal to the fiery Aries side of him, try to match his energy no matter what the topic is. Since the Pisces in him wants to discuss anything creative, he'll love it if you bring up interesting topics like art or philosophy. Some cusp-ers tend to identify with one side of their personality over the other. If you're sensing he's more of a gentle dreamer type, that's his Pisces nature. Pisces is a water sign, which means he's all about emotion and empathy.

Speak your mind.

A Pisces-Aries cusp man is looking for an outspoken partner. His Aries side appreciates bluntness no matter what, while the Pisces side of him wants you to be emotionally open with him. You don’t need to hold back anything around this guy—he wants to hear your unfiltered thoughts and opinions. If he's quick to start a debate, he may be more in touch with his Aries side. Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars, so conversations can sometimes take an aggressive turn. If that happens, it's best to change the subject before things get heated.

Give him compliments.

Pisces and Aries both love compliments, but for different reasons. The Pisces side of your guy’s personality makes him a bit insecure, so an ego boost gives him some much-needed confidence. An Aries, on the other hand, needs to feel adored by his partner, and compliments provide the adoration he craves. You might say: "You're artwork blows me away. Have you ever thought about showing your paintings in a gallery?" "It sounds like your work project went off without a hitch! You worked so hard on it and I definitely think you'll get a promotion soon."

Be positive and optimistic.

Pisces-Aries cuspers tend to avoid negativity and bad vibes. His empathetic Pisces natures makes him experience emotions deeply, so interacting with pessimists can be exhausting for him. Fiery Aries always prefers to be around positive energy, so try to look on the bright side of every situation and maintain a cheerful, upbeat vibe. For example: If you had a rough day, you might say, "Work was so busy today and I'm exhausted. I love my job, though! Wouldn't trade it for the world." If the waiter brings you the wrong dish, you might say, "Normally, I'd send this entrée back, but it looks really good. I'm going to give it a try!"

Roll with his mood swings.

The dual nature of a Pisces-Aries cusper can be a roller coaster. Pisces is an emotional water sign whereas Aries is a brash fire sign. Trying to balance these conflicting energies can be overwhelming for him at times. Moodiness is par for the course, but he tends to pull himself out of a funk rather quickly—try to be patient with him. If he gets suddenly gloomy, give him a hug and say, "I'm here if you need me." If he starts getting worked up about something or seems irritated out of the blue, you might say, "I'm going to take the dog out for a walk and get some fresh air. Need anything?" Don't press him to talk about it. Avoid calling attention to his mood swings; he dislikes being analyzed by others.

Be spontaneous.

A Pisces-Aries cusper is impulsive and wants you along for the ride. Fiery Aries is always looking for adventure and his Pisces energy prompts him to chase after anything that captures his imagination. The result? Lots of impulsive ideas! Go with the flow and he’ll appreciate your adaptability. If he wants to take a sudden detour, agree with enthusiasm. If he wants to try a new activity out of the blue, let him know you’re game.

Ask him to help you with something.

He loves to give advice and come up with creative solutions. This cusper is an amazing listener (that’s the Pisces in him) and he genuinely enjoys helping people solve problems. If you’re trying to make a decision about something in your life, ask him to weigh in with his perspective on the matter. You might say, “I can’t decide if it’s the right time to trade in my car. It’s fully paid off, which is great, but it’s also getting old and might need significant maintenance soon. What do you think?”

Be on time.

Pisces-Aries cuspers are impatient and don’t like to wait around. Being late may not seem like a big deal, but it will drive a Pisces-Aries cusp man crazy. This trait comes mostly from the Aries side of his personality. Ideally, you want to always be on time (or early) when you’re meeting up with him. If something unexpected happens and you’re running a few minutes late, text him to let him know so he isn’t sitting around wondering what’s going on.

Support his dreams and goals.

His creative projects are extremely important to him. His Pisces side encourages him to follow his dreams and his Aries side is all about action, so he’s usually tinkering away on a passion project (or three). These endeavors mean a lot to him and hearing your encouragement will fill him with confidence. You might say: "I know work was really busy this week and you didn't get a chance to work on your new song. Since I have tons of boring errands to run today, why don't you stay in and work on music?" "All of your short stories are so good. You should submit these to a literary magazine. You're an amazing writer and I'm positive they'll publish you."

Invite him on an outdoor adventure.

Pisces-Aries cuspers love to be out in nature. Both of these signs love the great outdoors—but they love it for different reasons. What activity you invite him to do really depends on which side of his personality he identifies with the most. If he’s more of a gentle dreamer (Pisces), invite him to go forest bathing or pack a picnic to enjoy at the park. If he’s super energetic (Aries), suggest a challenging hike or mountain biking.

Try to overlook his stubbornness.

Pisces-Aries cuspers tend to have a deep stubborn streak. It’s hard to get this guy to budge once he’s made up his mind about something. Trying to appeal to him with logic or reason is usually futile (and can even aggravate him if he identifies a lot with his Aries side). Don't worry, he'll eventually come around. He wants to do it in his own time and on his own terms.

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