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This article will teach you how to be a clean Muslim.
Understand the importance of cleanliness in Islam. As the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated, "cleanliness is half of faith". This was before microbes were discovered and bathing was forbidden/discouraged in Europe.
Groom yourself. Growing a beard and trimming the mustache, as well as removing pubic and armpit hair, is sunnah. Shaving them is part of the sunnah too, but trimming them is fine.
Maintain your hygiene. It is sunnah to use the miswak to clean your teeth. Performing wudu and ghusl are also key Muslim rituals, with wudu usually being made five times a day to keep oneself pure so that they may worship Allah. You should cut your nails once a week, preferably on Fridays. Not shaving your pubic or armpit hair or not cutting your nails is permissible after 15 days; however, it is disliked after 40 days.
Follow proper toilet etiquette. There are many rules regarding the toilet in Islam. For example, you should not relieve yourself near flowing water; you should remain silent while on the toilet; you should not face or turn your back towards the Qibla; and you should enter the bathroom with the left leg and leave with the right. Before entering the toilet, say Allahumma innee aAAoothu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba-ith (meaning "O Allah. I seek refuge in You from the male or female evil and Jinns") After leaving the toilet, say "Ghufranak" (meaning "I ask You (Allah) for forgiveness." — meaning for any sins performed while your body used the energy of food and drink, the remains thereof later converted to waste excreted.) For cleanliness, it is best to perform one of the following (ranked in the order of importance): wash with water (and optionally, soap after defecating), then tissue or stones. One should wipe thrice.
Keep the environment clean. Cleanliness does not only mean keeping yourself clean, but also making sure your surroundings are clean. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity", and he also warned, "Beware of the three acts that cause you to be cursed: relieving yourselves in shaded places (that people utilize), in a walkway or in a watering place." For example, picking up litter from the street is one way you can keep the environment clean. Sort your waste properly. Recycle recyclables and make use of either your city's composting system (if it has one), or compost yourself if you can.
Keep your body fit and healthy. This doesn't relate to hygiene, but rather staying fit and healthy. Don't harm your body by feeding yourself junk. The Prophet said, "A human being has not filled any vessel worse than [his] stomach. A few bites are sufficient to support his back. If it is inevitable (i.e. eating a lot because he likes eating), then a third for food, a third for drink, and third for his breath." Using medicine is also encouraged, as it is narrated that the Prophet said, "Make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of one disease, namely old age." We should make sure that we keep ourselves healthy and that we do not destroy our insides by having poor lifestyles.
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