How to Be Kind to Your Sister
How to Be Kind to Your Sister
There may be times when you and your sister don't get along with each other, but that doesn't mean you don't care about each other and always have each other's back. If you want to show your sister just how much you love and appreciate her, there are all kinds of nice gestures you can do. Keep reading to learn how to be kind to your sister and show her how much she means to you.

Building a good relationship

Use good manners with your sister. Manners are a way of showing respect and thoughtfulness and help the other person to feel cared about. Be polite at all times. Don't argue with your sister or talk back to her. Show respect for her. Don't curse or abuse her. Saying abusive words is a sign of disrespect.

Spend time with your sister. If your sister is bored and wants to do something, don't be afraid ask her if she wants to play with you. You can play video games with her if you like. Watch TV with your sister. Play with her every once in a while. You don't have to give up your whole life for her, just about 20 minutes a day.

Talk to your sister. Even if it is just small talk, talking can make you become better friends with her. Ask her about her day and what she's thinking about doing over the weekend.

Take care of your sister. Always help her with her problems. If she needs you, be with her. Don't make your sister feel left out. Never leave or ignore your sister; it can cause her to feel unwanted or useless. Don't act like a mom. Don't judge her. Always remember you're her sister not a parent.

Share everything with your sister. Sharing is caring. Remember that she is your sister.

Dealing with negative aspects of your relationship

Avoid fighting. Don't fight, whatever you do. Instead, try to solve the problems by talking it out. If you need space from one another, then take it and come back and resolve your issues later, in a calm and dignified way.

Don't blame. If something bad has happened to you and you think it is your sister don't blame her without evidence.

Don't yell at your sister or think that you're the boss. Being loud and spiteful will just make her angry. Be equal siblings. Try to be your sister's best friend.

Put yourself in your sister's shoes. When going through a rough time, what would you want her to do for you in the situation? Always think about her feelings and try to comfort her.

Lend a shoulder to cry on. If something difficult has happened to her, be there for her and be supportive and attentive. Listen without judging and simply let her know that you are there for her.

Being kind

Be helpful. Help your sister to do her homework, and her chores. Put on some music and teach her some songs to make the time pass quickly.

Put your sister before yourself sometimes. It will make her feel good and helps her to know that she can trust you.

Buy your sister nice gifts for her birthday. She will really like this! Show her you care by making homemade gifts or getting her that special something that she's been wanting forever.

Compliment your sister often. Compliment her new hair-cut or something that's new. She'll see that you actually care about her and that you're observant.

Make a gesture. Do things for her that she never thought you would do. Bring her coffee, buy her favorite breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack/ anything. If you both live in the same house, maybe you should fold her laundry or vacuum her room.If she sees that you can scratch her back, then she'll scratch yours.

Congratulate and be proud of your sister. Nothing is better than a sibling being proud of another sibling. It's encouraging for a sibling to be praised by another sibling. It gets them going. If you show that you are so proud of her and you tell her, then she's sure to say the words "Thank you."

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