How to Get Dual Citizenship in Mexico
How to Get Dual Citizenship in Mexico
When you have dual citizenship, you’re a citizen of two different countries. Mexico and the United States allow this, which means you can become a citizen of Mexico without having to renounce your United States citizenship. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of getting dual citizenship in Mexico through birth or naturalization. All you’ll need are a few documents and a bit of knowledge.

Claiming Citizenship by Birth

Determine whether you need a birth certification or declaration of birth. If you’re a Mexican citizen by birth, you’re able to claim dual citizenship with your birth certificate and must relinquish any other citizenships. If you don't have a certificate but were born in Mexico or born in another country to Mexican citizens, you can get a declaration of citizenship and keep any other citizenship you have. Mexico has not always allowed dual citizenship. If you became a naturalized citizen of another country before March 20, 1988, you would have been required to renounce your Mexican citizenship. However, with a declaration of citizenship, you can regain that citizenship you once had.

Complete a DNN-2 application form. Download a copy of the application from the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) website, and fill the applications out on your computer or print a copy to fill out by hand. If you write in your answers by hand, print legibly using black ink.

Collect originals and copies of documents that support your application. To get your declaration, you need a certified copy of your birth certificate to prove that you were born in Mexico, or born to Mexican citizens in another country. You're eligible for citizenship by birth if either your mother or father was a Mexican citizen when you were born. You must also present the following documents: Certified copies of the birth certificates of your Mexican parent or parents issued by the Mexican civil registry office, if you were born in another country A certified copy of your parents' wedding certificate, if they were married before you were born Your citizenship certificate from the other country, issued before March 20, 1988 An original and photocopy of a valid form of government-issued photo identification 2 passport-sized photos taken no more than 30 days agoTip: Any documents that aren't in Spanish typically must be translated into Spanish by a translator approved by the Mexican government. Contact an SRE delegation or Mexican embassy or consulate to find a translator near you.

Pay the fee for your declaration to be issued. As of 2022, a declaration of Mexican nationality costs 1,305 pesos or 65.24 US dollars. Payments are only accepted electronically through a bank or credit card company authorized by the Mexican government. If you want to make your payment at a bank in person, download and fill out a help sheet from the SRE website to give a bank teller. Keep the receipt for your payment. You'll need to take it with you when you submit your application.

Submit your application and documents to the SRE. Take your documents and receipt of payment to the nearest SRE delegation. If you do not live in Mexico, you can take it to the nearest Mexican embassy or consulate in the country where you live. You can locate the nearest delegation here. If you live in another country, click "Embassies of Mexico" or "Consulates of Mexico" in the directory menu.

Pick up your declaration. Provided that all your documents are in order, your declaration will typically be issued within a day. You may be able to wait for it, or you may have to go back the next day to pick it up. You can use your declaration as proof of your Mexican citizenship if you want to apply for a Mexican passport.

Becoming a Naturalized Citizen

Confirm that you’re eligible for naturalized citizenship. Even if you weren't born in Mexico and neither of your parents were a Mexican citizen, you can still become a naturalized citizen of Mexico. You’re generally eligible for naturalized citizenship if you fall into one of the following 8 categories: You've lived in Mexico as a permanent resident for at least 5 years You are the straight-line descendant of a Mexican citizen, meaning one of your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents is or was a Mexican citizen when you were born You have children who are Mexican by birth You are from a Latin American or Iberian country You made an outstanding contribution to cultural, social, scientific, technical, artistic, sports, or business matters in Mexico You married a Mexican citizen You were adopted by Mexican citizens You are subject to the parental rights of Mexican citizens (for example, your legal guardian is a Mexican citizen)

Learn to speak Spanish at a basic conversational level. If you want to become a naturalized citizen, you must be able to prove that you can speak and understand Spanish. Your Spanish language skills will be evaluated through an in-person interview with a Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) official after you've submitted your citizenship application. Mexico doesn't require any specific proof that you've attained a particular level of proficiency in Spanish. Instead, your proficiency will be evaluated by the SRE official who interviews you. Make sure you study vocabulary, terms, and phrases related to immigration and citizenship, as most of your interview will cover those topics.

Live in Mexico for at least 5 years as a permanent resident. All naturalization categories have a residency requirement. In most cases, you must live in Mexico for at least 5 years. This period is reduced to 2 years if you married a Mexican citizen, are the lineal descendant of a Mexican citizen, or are from a Latin American or Iberian country. If you were adopted or are under the parental authority of a Mexican citizen, you only have to live in Mexico for 1 year. If you are applying for citizenship because of your marriage to a Mexican citizen, you must be able to prove that the two of you lived together as spouses during the 2 years immediately preceding your application. If you are awarded citizenship because you made an outstanding contribution that benefited Mexico, there is no residency requirement. These citizenship awards are typically bestowed upon celebrities and industry leaders.Tip: Although short trips outside the country don't affect your residency in Mexico for naturalization purposes, you shouldn't travel outside of Mexico for more than 6 months total in the 2 years preceding your application.

Complete a DNN-3 naturalization application. Regardless of the naturalization category, you must complete the general naturalization application. You’re expected to produce original documents that back up the statements you make in this application. You can download a copy of the application here. Click the title in the menu that corresponds to the reason you are eligible for naturalization. Although the form is the same, each page includes a list of requirements specific to each category of eligibility.

Gather documents to support your application. The specific documents you'll need depend on the category under which you're applying for naturalization. For each document, you must provide the original or a certified copy along with 2 photocopies. If the documents are not in Spanish, you must get them translated by a translator approved by the SRE. Generally, you'll need any of the following documents that relate to the information you provided on your application: Your resident card Your birth certificate Your foreign passport or other travel document Your wedding certificate Birth certificates for any children born in Mexico A sworn statement of your travels outside the country 2 passport-sized photographs taken within the last 30 days

Order your federal and state Certificado de No Antecendentes Penales. This document certifies that you have no criminal record. You'll have to contact the Mexican federal police as well as the police department in your state to get these documents. Both certificates must accompany your application for naturalization. To get the federal certificate, you'll need to visit the Decentralized Administrative Body for Prevention and Social Readaptation in Mexico City. The office is located at Tlalpan Street No. 2962, Col. Espartaco, Coyoacán City Hall, ZIP 04870.

Pay the application fee. As of 2022, the citizenship application fee is 7,790 pesos or 389.44 US dollars for citizenship by any modality. This fee must be paid electronically, either online through a credit card company or at the bank of your choice. Save your receipt for your payment. You will need to submit it along with your application.

Submit your application to the nearest SRE delegation. When you've completed your application and organized the documents that you need, you can either mail them to a nearby SRE delegation or take them there in person. If you mail your application, use a method with tracking so you'll know when your application is received. You can find the closest SRE delegation by going here and clicking the "directory" link next to your nearest metropolitan area. Once your application is reviewed by an SRE official it will be submitted to the Ministry of the Interior for approval. You cannot proceed to the next stage of the application process until you have a letter of approval from the Ministry. The SRE doesn't offer a timeframe of how long it takes to get a letter of approval.Tip: The SRE recommends you submit your application at the delegation in the same state as your registered address, even if another metropolitan area is closer or more convenient for you.

Travel to Mexico City for your interview and exam. Provided your application is approved by the Ministry of the Interior, the SRE will send you a notice of the date of your interview and exam. The exam is a written exam that covers Mexican history and culture. Citizenship interviews and exams are only conducted in Mexico City. If you live elsewhere in Mexico, you'll need to make arrangements to travel to Mexico City on the date of your interview. If you won't be able to attend on the date your interview and exam are scheduled, contact the SRE as soon as possible and ask to have it rescheduled. If you don't pass either the interview or the exam, you must wait at least 10 business days before you can apply to take them again. You will also have to pay the application fee again. If you fail the interview or the exam twice, you have to wait one year before you can apply for naturalization again.Tip: If you are a refugee, under the age of 18, or over the age of 60, you only have to demonstrate that you know how to speak Spanish. You don't have to take the history and culture exam.

Wait to receive your letter of Mexican naturalization. From the date the Ministry of the Interior issues a letter of approval for your application, it takes approximately 3 months to get a final decision on your application. You’ll be sent a letter in the mail letting you know if your application is approved or denied. If your application is approved, a certificate of naturalization will accompany the letter. You can use this certificate to apply for a Mexican passport. If your application is denied, the notice will provide you with the reason for the denial. You’re welcome to apply again after waiting at least 10 business days.

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