How to Get Fit Fast
How to Get Fit Fast
Being 'fit' essentially means being able to perform well in a wide variety of physically challenging circumstances. Fitness has so many benefits and it's simple to achieve!

Do Interval Training

Understand interval training. Interval training is any exercise repeated at a very high intensity for only a few minutes (2-3 at most) and alternated with a slow paced activity or rest. Continue high intensity and low intensity intervals for about twenty minutes. Interval training is regarded as one of the most effective exercise regimens. It is less time consuming but appears to produce identical effects.

Do a sprint-walk routine. The most basic interval training routine is to run as fast as you can for 2-3 blocks (or roughly 400 meters) and then walk back to the starting point, beginning the process over again. Alternatively, warm up by walking slowly for five minutes and quickly for ten minutes. You can then sprint for three blocks, walk back two blocks, sprint for three blocks, walk back two blocks (and so on, lasting 15 minutes). When that time has passed, walk back quickly to your origin point to cool down.

Apply interval training to your preferred activity. You can apply interval training to almost any exercise activity, as long as it has the potential to be very intense. You can try cycling, swimming, as well as many core exercises. Alternate between exercise activities on different days if you can to ensure that all of your muscle groups get worked evenly.

Do Effective Exercises

Exercise efficiently. Try to do exercises which work multiple muscle groups at once and provide superior results for the amount of time which you need to put in to doing them, as exercises like these are more efficient. Such exercises are usually very tiring and hard on the body, but they will get you the furthest the fastest.

Try planks. Planks are one of the most efficient exercises. You can greatly improve your core, leg, and arm strength with just a few minutes of this exercise every day. Planks are done by holding a position similar to a push up, but supporting the upper half of your body on your forearms. Hold this for as long as possible. Do 5-10 minutes of this a day, broken into sets, for visible results.

Do burpees. Burpees are done by starting in a standing position. Drop to a crouch, go into a push-up form, go back to the crouch position, and then jump upwards with hands raised to return to the standing position. These are considered a very effective exercise, as they work all areas of the body.

Practice lunges. Step forward with your right leg, and lower your body until both legs are bent at 90-degree angles. Keep your back straight, and do not let your front knee bend over your toes. Push back up to starting position, and repeat with the left leg. You can easily add weight to this move by doing bicep curls with dumbbells.

Try squats. Squats are done by standing with your feet a hip's distance apart, your back straight, arms crossed in front of you, and slowly lowering yourself down as if to sit in a chair. After you are in the sitting position, raise yourself back up. These are a great exercise for your core and leg muscles. You can add hand-held weights to the routine to work the arms as well. To work out your lower and upper body at the same time, try adding an overhead press to your squat. Hold dumbbells in each hand at hip or shoulder level. Squat down, and as you rise up out of the squat, press the dumbbells overhead.

Do push ups. Push-ups are a great exercise that will work out your triceps, shoulders, glutes, and core. To start, get into a plank pose with your hands flat on the ground below your shoulders. Lower your body until you are just above the ground. As you do so, tuck your elbows close to your body, keeping your core engaged. Push back up, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Don’t forget walking. Most experts will agree that walking is probably one of the best ways to get fit. If you are completely out of shape, you can just walk. If you are decently in shape, you can walk quickly. For those that are further along, you can hike, jog or run. Walking is a great way to work many muscle groups and improve heart strength and blood flow.

Eat Healthy

Eat a balanced diet. You can exercise all you want but if you live off of McDonald’s cheeseburgers, you’re going to have an awfully difficult time getting fit. It’s important to eat a balanced diet so that your body gets all of the essential fuel it needs to run. Eat a balance of lean meats, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates to get your body what it needs. You will want to be sure to get lots of lean protein, as this is necessary for building muscle. Good sources of protein include seafood, lean meats, eggs, milk, beans, soy and nuts. Carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and dairy will provide you with energy. Avoid foods with a high amount of trans fats. This typically includes processed foods, microwavable meals, pastries, and fried foods.

Drink lots of water. Your body is made mostly of water, so you better believe you need it! Try to drink straight water, or water flavored with a little natural lemon juice or other natural flavoring. Drinking soda will add way too much sugar to your diet (fake sugar is not good for you either), as will juice. Tea and coffee dehydrate your body and should also be avoided. Milk is actually a great and inexpensive source of both calcium and protein. It is recommended that adults drink eight 8oz glasses of water every day. This number will be different for everybody, so pay attention to what your body needs, but 8 is an excellent starting point. Don’t forget that this number can be split between different types of liquid. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. If you feel thirsty, you are probably already dehydrated. Furthermore, being thirsty can sometimes cause you to overeat.

Talk to your doctor about supplements. While science still has a lot of unknowns regarding the benefits of vitamins, they generally are understood to probably be helpful (so long as you take the right ones in the right amounts). Consult with your doctor, a nutritionist, or a registered dietitian about the supplements that they would recommend. Vitamins can be dangerous too. Certain combinations can make you sick or complicate any existing health conditions. You can also overdose on many vitamins. Treat them like medicine and talk to your doctor before starting any supplement regimen.

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