Be there as soon as the doors open. Once they open, there may be a crowd of people all swarming to get in the doors. Be ready for them.
Be prepared with items for handing out. As soon as you see people coming, put that number of bulletins in your hand. They will then hand them out among themselves.
Make it easy to distribute the materials you have on hand. When there is a large group of people coming, pull out the corners of the programs/bulletins so you can whip them out to them.
Always be available to greet and show visitors in. If there is no one coming, it is okay to go to a nearby water fountain, but be sure to check with the producer on this one.
Share the tasks. If you are ushering with someone else at your side, some friends or relatives may come. They will probably want to give them the programs themselves. Graciously stand back and smile at the people.
Be professionally cheerful. Be sure to greet each person with a smile and a welcoming comment such as, "We're going to have the best concert tonight".
Make contact even without materials to hand out. If you're simply greeting people with no programs, then simply shake their hand firmly.
Ensure you arrive early to prepare for the service.
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