Looking for a Fun Couple’s Challenge? These Are Some of the Best
Looking for a Fun Couple’s Challenge? These Are Some of the Best
Couples challenges are all the rave these days, and it’s no wonder why: they help couples grow closer and have a blast at the same time. But which challenges are right for your relationship? Are you looking for something goofy to post on TikTok? Or something a little more focused, like a fitness challenge or vacation goal? Either way, we’ve got you covered—this list of couples challenges has something for everyone. Keep reading to find the perfect challenge for your relationship, whether you want to spice up your love life, find new activities to do together, or get to know a love interest.

Sweatpants Jump Challenge

Find out who’s better at jumping into a pair of sweatpants. Grab a pair of extra-roomy sweatpants and head outside to a patch of soft grass. Have your partner and a friend hold the sweatpants open, then jump as high as you can so that your feet fall straight into the pant legs. Swap places with your partner and have them try it too. Do this over soft grass or a thick rubber crash mat. That way, you’re less likely to get hurt if you fall.

Conjoined Twins Challenge

Squeeze into the same clothes and spend an hour attached. Choose sweatpants and an old coat, sweater, or baggy shirt that you both fit into. Place both of your legs into one pant leg, then have your partner do the same on the other side. Put both your heads through the shirt’s collar, with one person’s arm in the right sleeve and the other’s arm in the left sleeve. Spend an hour together doing everyday tasks, and try not to trip. Pick old clothes that are not important to you since they might get stretched or torn.

The “How Well Do You Know Me?” Challenge

Ask questions to find out how well you know each other. Opt for fun or silly questions like “What did I say when we first met?” or “What movie always makes me fall asleep?” Keep a tally of how many each of you gets right. Whoever answers more questions correctly wins. Some other questions could include: What’s my favorite food? How do you spell my middle name? What instrument did I play in high school? Who is my favorite actor? Make things spicier with more intimate questions like “What’s my favorite thing in bed?” or “What’s my favorite spot to be kissed?” The more specific your questions, the harder the game will be.

The Mystery Food Challenge

Blindfold your partner and have them guess the foods you’re feeding them. Pick a variety of foods like snacks, juices, desserts, bread, and so on. Include 1-2 things they haven’t tried, like a weird candy or ice cream flavor. Give them 3-4 guesses before revealing what it is! If your partner is open to it, include 1-2 foods they don’t like. Don’t include anything that isn’t food since it might be unsafe. Avoid this challenge if your partner has a food allergy.

No-Handed Stand Up Challenge

Lie face-down on the floor and get up without using your hands. Lie with the tops of your heads nearly touching and your feet pointed away from each other. Put your hands behind your backs and try to stand up using only your shoulders, legs, and core muscles. Whoever stands up first without using their hands is the winner. Press the tops of your heads together and tuck your knees in as you get up. This gives both of you a hands-free boost. Try not to bump your heads.

Pushup on a Pushup Challenge

Find out who has the best push-up game. Have one partner lie face-down on the ground, while the other does a “plank” on their partner’s back, facing the opposite direction, with their feet on their partner’s upper back and their hands on their partner’s ankles. The partner on the ground has to do a pushup while the one on top holds on. If one of you is much stronger, have the stronger partner on the bottom. If you’re both super strong, try it with either person on the bottom first. Then switch roles and try again.

The Mime Challenge

Make up a sentence and say it to your partner using only gestures. Have your partner guess your sentence. You can use mime routines, facial expressions, hand puppets, or mouthing the words slowly—but you can’t make a sound. Nod your head if your partner is on the right track, or shake your head and laugh if they’re off-course. Give your sentences themes to make the game a little easier. For instance, you make a sentence about an animal, a specific person, or a place you’ve visited together. Tell your partner the theme out loud before you start miming.

The Floor is Lava

Give each other silly tasks, then count down until the floor is off-limits. Give each other 5 seconds to grab objects from another room, do three cartwheels, or attempt other silly tasks. After 5 seconds goes by, the floor is “lava” and you have to jump on a chair, couch, or bed. If you finish the task and get off the floor in time, you win! Be careful running around confined spaces or jumping on fragile furniture. You don’t want someone tripping over a flowerpot… or jumping into one.

The “Do My Makeup” Challenge

Have your partner do your makeup, or do theirs for them. Choose a room without a mirror, then have one person do the other’s makeup. Try a particular look, like “glamorous” or “goth,” “clown,” or whatever sounds fun. Once the makeup is finished, let the other person see their own face. Once you’re finished, you can swap roles to see who does the others’ makeup better. Film each other’s reactions for extra memories (or laughs).

Wardrobe Makeover Challenge

Take each other shopping and choose clothes for each other. Then come back home and have each other try on what you bought. Choose funny, cute, sexy, or bizarre outfits for extra laughs and great memories. Bonus points if you choose something your partner loves—or if you make them fall over with laughter. If you’re feeling brave, make a video and post it on social media so your friends can laugh too.

Jenga Truth or Dare

Write truths and dares on Jenga blocks, then play a game together. Read each truth or dare on the blocks you pull, then answer or do whatever is written. Make it spicy with a few sexy truths and dares, or make it silly with dares like “Tell me a story with a sock puppet.” As a bonus, make a rule that whoever makes the tower fall has to pick three random truths or dares from the pile of blocks. You can purchase a truth-or-dare version of Jenga, or make your own by writing on the blocks. Making your own version lets you customize your truths and dares.

Couples Yoga Challenge

Do a yoga routine together every day. Find a beginner routine on YouTube if you’re new to yoga, or something more advanced if you have experience. If possible, join a yoga studio and attend classes together 1-2 times a week. Compliment and encourage each other as you learn new poses, and give each other a hand whenever one of you needs help with a pose. Don’t worry if certain poses come more naturally to one person. Each person’s body is different. You can each do different poses, especially if one of you finds certain poses too difficult or uncomfortable. Most yoga routines are designed for one person, or groups of people working individually. But you can also try partner yoga, which includes poses that require two people.

5k Running Challenge

Train for a 5k together and run a race when you’re ready. Train together by doing 20 minutes of walking, jogging, or running 3-4 days a week. Start with walking, then incorporate 10-30 second bursts of light jogging. Slowly increase your jogging time over 8 weeks until you can jog or run together for 30-45 minutes continuously. Try a 5k training program like Couch to 5k, and use fitness apps and smartwatches to track your progress. Once you’re both jogging comfortably, sign up for a local 5k race, or use an app to do a virtual 5k. Virtual 5ks are a great option for long-distance couples, since you can run at the same time in different locations.

Daily Workout Challenge

Do a 10-minute workout routine together every day. Choose something that fits your lifestyle and fitness levels. If you’re both new to working out, try a simple routine that doesn’t require gym equipment. Or go to a local gym together and try weightlifting. For beginners, try doing planks, leg raises, lunges, tricep pushes, and modified pushups. For weightlifting, try squats, curls, arm raises, dumbbell presses, leg raises, and planks. Ask your local gym if they offer one-time weightlifting classes where a trainer can teach you the basics before you try it on your own.

Couples Weight Loss Challenge

Shed pounds together by revamping your eating and exercise habits. Start by picking healthy target weights for yourselves. Then plan healthy meals and regular workouts together. Encourage each other to stay on track and build healthy eating habits. Use calorie-counting apps or other food-tracking programs to track caloric intake. Do groceries together and buy healthy, unprocessed foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and low-sugar foods. Encourage each other to avoid junk food like soda, alcohol, and processed foods. Exercise together 2-3 times a week. Join a local gym or fitness class, or simply go for regular walks together.

Refrigerator Poetry Challenge

Buy a magnetic word kit and write fridge poems for each other. Purchase a magnetic word kit with at least 300 word tiles, then place the magnets on your refrigerator in random order. Move the words around once a day to create poems for each other to find. Make your poems funny, loving, weird, or all of the above. After a few months, buy an expansion pack with more words. You can choose packs with specific themes like animals, science, and religion, to name a few, or with curse worse and jokes.

Try Not to Laugh

Find funny videos on YouTube and try to make each other laugh. Choose videos that match each other’s humor. For instance, if your partner loves practical jokes, show them videos of people pranking each other. If you both have a dark sense of humor, search for compilations of sad jokes. Whoever laughs the most loses the game. For extra fun, try holding water in your mouth as you watch the videos. Whoever laughs will be forced to spit the water out.

Surprise Date Challenge

Plan dates for each other, but don’t share the details until the date starts. Pick new restaurants you haven’t tried together, shows or movies you haven’t seen, or even an activity you can do as a couple. The planner should tell their partner the time, location, and how to prepare, such as by saying “Bring a bathing suit” or “Wear shoes you can dance in.” Alternate roles so that each of you can plan dates for each other. For instance, one partner can a plan date for one weekend, then the other can plan something for the following weekend. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you can schedule surprise dates for days or weekends when you’ll be together in person.

Surprise Getaway Challenge

Have one partner plan a surprise weekend trip or long vacation. Agree on a weekend or timeframe for the trip, then have one partner pick a secret destination that you’ll both enjoy. Make sure part of the trip includes an activity you can do together—camping, wine tasting, sunbathing, or whatever interests you both. Set time aside during the trip to relax and recharge, especially if it’s an “active” vacation. For example, if you’re going surfing, you’ll want downtime to rest and eat. Getaways are great for long-distance relationships too. You may have to provide your partner with more details in advance (such as the destination, if you’re meeting them there), but you can surprise them with fun activities once you arrive.

The Love Language Challenge

Spend a week doing things that match each other’s love languages. If your partner’s love language is physical touch, give them some extra physical affection: hugs, kisses, holding hands, and so on. Likewise, if you love acts of service, have your partner do little things for you, like making breakfast or running an errand. The 5 love languages are Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, Words of Affirmation, and Quality Time. Read more about love languages or take a quiz online to find yours.

The Bucket List Challenge

Make a list of things you want to do before you die, then try one together. Make a list together, then pick something simple, like a type of weird food you’ve always wanted to try. Devote a day to “checking off” that item on your list, such as by finally trying that weird food. Then try another item from the list. If you have different interests, make separate lists and alternate which list you choose items from. That way, you can both try things you enjoy.

The Offline Day Challenge

Spend a day together without phones or electronic devices. Explore a park or city, or spend the day curled up on the couch with a book. Don’t check social media, read texts, or answer emails. Ignore non-emergency phone calls. Make it a truly phone-free, offline day together. If necessary, let your friends and family know you’ll be unavailable unless it’s an emergency. If you have kids or other people who may need to reach you, set your phone to silent but allow only specific people to call you.

The Weekly Puzzle Challenge

Buy a few puzzles and spend an evening each week putting one together. Choose puzzles with a few hundred pieces so that it will take time and teamwork. Assemble the puzzles on a table or surface that you don’t normally use. That way, you can leave it unfinished and return to it if you run out of time. For extra fun, put on a movie or listen to some music while you do the puzzles.

Video Game Face-off Date

Play a competitive multiplayer video game you both like. Choose a racing game like Mario Kart, a cute shooting game like Splatoon, or even a competitive puzzle game like Portal. Set a goal of 3 out of 5 wins, or just play indefinitely if you both love the competition. Video game challenges are perfect for long-distance couples since you can play together online.

Video Game Co-op Date

Have fun together with a cooperative video game. Build worlds together with games like Minecraft and Animal Crossing: New Horizons, or play shooting games like Halo or Call of Duty that let you fight on the same team. Choose games like Minecraft and Animal Crossing: New Horizons to enjoy building worlds together over time. That way, you play together periodically and pick up wherever you left off.

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