The Best Bumble Bios for Guys
The Best Bumble Bios for Guys
Are you tired of people swiping left on your profile? While Bumble is a great way to meet new people and find love, it can also be tricky terrain to navigate. A good bio captivates potential dates and gives them something to message you about. Does your current bio do that? If not, keep reading because we’ve put together a list of the best funny, flirty, and engaging Bumble bios for men.This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach and matchmaker, Laura Bilotta. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • Keep your Bumble bio short and sweet to show off your personality without going too over the top.
  • Opt for something funny to showcase your sense of humor and make a potential date laugh.
  • Aim for a controversial statement or polarizing comment to give a possible match something to message you about.

Funny Bumble Bios

Show off your sense of humor with a joke or sarcastic remark. Sometimes, the best way to win someone’s heart is to make them laugh. Don’t be afraid to put a little personality into your bio! After all, if they get your bio, they’ll likely get you. “My advice? Bring booze to the airport so you can pet the dogs.” “I spend a lot of time thinking about things…especially what possessed me to teach summer school.” “I can’t whistle. If that’s a problem for you, this isn’t going to work.” “Really good at not making things awkward in the elevator.” “Ladies, without further ado, I present me, your future boyfriend.”

Simple Bumble Bios

Keep your bio short and sweet to capture their attention. Not sure what to say? No worries! Simply list your attributes or what you’re looking for in a partner. “Looking for someone who likes the outdoors and isn’t afraid to get dirty.” “Athletic. Nerdy. Outdoorsy. What’s not to love?” “Technical Skills: Can fix anything. Guilty Pleasure: Oreos dipped in peanut butter. Favorite Thing: Dogs in little hats.” “If you don’t like tacos and sweatpants, you better swipe left because I’m not the guy for you.” “Just a 6’2” doctor looking to find the one.”

Flirty Bumble Bios

Opt for a cheesy one-liner to make them blush. Using Bumble to add a bit more romance to your life? Well, don’t be afraid to say so! Shoot your shot and start with a flirt right away to attract others looking for the same thing. “I’m the good boy your parents always warned you about.” “I think I lost my number…can I have yours?” “The only fabric I wear is husband material.” “Feel free to add me to your to-do list.” “A reason to date me: you’d be the good-looking one.”

Engaging Bumble Bios

Share a polarizing opinion to strike up a conversation. What better way to make someone message you than by saying something outlandish? Use your bio to share an honest and respectable opinion you feel strongly about (just make sure it’s something you’re prepared to debate). “The only acceptable way to eat pineapple is on pizza.” “Macaroni and cheese isn’t pasta. Message me to find out why.” “The toilet paper flap should be on top. Change my mind.” “Taylor Swift is overrated.” “Waffles are superior. Can pancakes hold syrup in little pockets? No.”

Smart Bumble Bios

Toss in a quote to attract like-minded people. Looking for a partner who shares the same niche interests as you? If so, try getting their attention with a quote or pop culture reference. “Princess Leia: ‘I happen to like nice men.’ Han Solo: ‘I’m nice men.’” “‘Every moment is a fresh beginning.’ T.S. Elliot” “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good…Only those who swipe right will find out why.” “You can call me Nemo because I’m never afraid to touch the butt.” “Looking for someone to help me return the ring to Mordor…”

Cute Bumble Bios

Show off your soft side so they can’t possibly say no. If all else fails, let your inner teddy bear come out! Be a little vulnerable so potential dates read your bio and go, “Awww!” “Life plan: retire, grow old with my wife, and raise alpacas.” “My ideal date? A trip to the coffee shop and thrift shopping (don’t tell my mates).” “I won’t lie. I cry watching the Titanic. They both could’ve fit on the door.” “Nudes? How about noods? I’d rather share my spaghetti with you.” “I’m a writer and ready to write my next chapter. I just need a new character.”

Creative Bumble Bios

Use your imagination to help your bio stand out. Who says your Bumble bio has to be one thing or another? It’s your profile, after all! Think of something unique that no one else would to catch the attention of potential dates. “I’ll fill this out later…” “I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t like my kiss, you can return it to me.” “Hi! I’m your future husband. It’s nice to meet you.” “Craziest vacation: I went to Paris and ended up in the hospital with a view of the Eiffel Tower. Beat that.” “Tell me: a) Your favorite food b) Your favorite musician.”

How to Make a Good Bumble Bio

Be positive. The last thing you want to do on any dating app is be negative. Positivity is a green flag, so stick to it! Aim to be kind, happy, and joyful when writing your bio and messaging potential dates. Now, this isn’t to say you can’t be sarcastic or realistic. Just make sure you’re not putting other people down or making rude, disrespectful remarks.

Highlight your best attributes. If you’re stuck on which bio to use, stick to the one that shows the best version of yourself. Which shows your personality best? If you’re unsure how to describe yourself, ask a friend for help! Think of your Bumble bio as a sales pitch for yourself. If you saw an ad advertising you, what would it say? Use keywords that describe your passions and interests and get more matches. For instance, if you’re a gym rat, include the word “fitness” somewhere in your bio. If you’re in college, use terms like “student” or “major.”

Keep it brief. When writing a Bumble bio, ditch the details and aim for clarity. Try to avoid long, windy paragraphs. The clearer and more concise you are, the better. Think of it this way: the shorter your bio is, the easier it’ll be for people to read it.

Let your profile picture speak for itself. Your picture is undeniably the most important part of your Bumble bio. To make the best first impression, pick a picture that only showcases you and represents your personality. Avoid using a picture of you and your buddies as your main profile pic, as potential dates may not know which guy you are in the group. Use a photo with flattering lighting. For instance, don’t pick the selfie you took in the dark while camping last summer. Choose a pic that showcases your talents or hobby. For example, if you play guitar, aim for a photo of you on stage performing.

Be upfront about your intentions. When putting your Bumble profile together, make sure you know what you’re seeking. Are you looking for a life-long partner? Do you have more interest in casual dating? Try to put what you’re seeking in your profile so people know what to expect right away.

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