In 2019, the mysterious murder of two children in Kheri Gandian village of Rajpura in Patiala district led to public outrage. For days local residents blocked the Patiala Chandigarh state highway between Patiala city and Rajpura to mount pressure on the police to solve the case. While the double murders remained like an open wound in the hearts of the locals here, the Patiala police’s recent arrests has led to shock and dismay as the killers were identified as the mother of the two children and her lover for the kidnapping and murder of the two children. Ten-year-old Jashandeep Singh and four-year-old Hasandeep Singh were reported missing and were later found dead near the Bhakhra canal. They were sedating and then killed.
The police said the crucial breakthrough and arrests came after a 30-second call between the two accused. During investigations, the children’s father, Didar Singh, alleged that his wife, Manjit Kaur had an affair with his cousin, Baljit Singh.
Patiala SSP Jaswinder Singh Tiwana said when Didar Singh got to know about his wife’s affair, the couple would often quarrel. The two accused then hatched a conspiracy to eliminate the kids to teach Didar Singh a lesson.
On July 22, 2019, Manjit Kaur sent her two children to get cold drinks from a nearby gurdwara at 8:30 pm. She told them their uncle Baljit Singh was waiting for them there and would take them to see the river. Singh allegedly took the two boys on his scooter and pushed the two boys into the Bhakhra river.
Kaur then spread the rumour about her two children’s disappearance and kidnapping, following which the police registered a case.
The two accused have been sent on a five-day police remand and a case was filed under Section 302 and 120B of the IPC.
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