New Delhi: Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon and US Undersecretary Nicholas Burns will begin delegation level talks on the 123 agreement in Delhi's Hyderabad House on Friday.
Burns said the talks are going well and there was no comment from the Indian side as yet.
"I think both of us understand how important is this agreement to our relationship. It is without any doubt in the best interest of both of the countries. It is mutually advantageous and there is not question in my mind that with continued hard work and good spirit. We can reach a final agreement and I look forward to that," Burns said.
Burns also said that he had "good discussions" with Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon and special envoy on the nuclear issue Shyam Saran on Thursday.
The talks on Thursday made progress but some differences remained.
The two countries are aiming at sorting out differences particularly on issues like reprocessing right, perpetuity of fuel supplies and continuance of the civil nuclear cooperation if India were to conduct an atomic test.
India has been insisting on having the right to reprocess spent nuclear fuel and is not ready to accept any legally binding clause in the agreement that could cap its strategic nuclear programme.
"Both of us (India and US) understand how important this agreement is to our relationship", Burns said, adding "It is without any question in the best interests of both the countries."
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