New Delhi: Public attitudes toward China is turning more negative in India, United States, Europe and elsewhere amid unease about its economic and military power, a new international survey suggests.
As many as 43 percent Indians expressed negative opinion about China compared to 20 per cent in 2002, says the 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Survey. ''The image of China has slipped significantly among the publics of other major nations,'' survey said.
As many as 48 percent Indians think the growing Chinese economy is bad for their country. The figure was 42 per cent last year. Two years ago, 53 percent majority of Indians saw China's economic growth as a benefit to their nation, and just 36 per cent a problem.
The 47-nation survey on global opinions also showed there is a growing trust-deficit and lack of confidence in dominant nations and their leaders from the side of the populations of other nations.
Anti-Americanism, even though it is relatively less in India, continues to be extensive in other parts, while the image of China has slipped significantly among the publics of other major nations, as per the study "Global Unease with Major Powers".
In India, US remains generally popular with roughly six-in-ten people having a favourable opinion of America. However, only 49 per cent of Indians support "war on terror", with 56 per cent of respondents favouring removing troops from Iraq, and 49 per cent favouring removing troops from Afghanistan.
In 2002, the number of Indians backing US "war on terror" stood at 79 per cent. Besides, the US also mostly has a positive image in countries like South Korea and Japan, with its favourability rising 12 percentage points in South Korea, since a low point in 2003, when only 46 per cent gave favourable marks.
Although opinion about Russia is mixed, confidence in its President, Vladimir Putin, has declined sharply. "In fact, the Russian leader's negatives have soared to the point that they mirror the nearly worldwide lack of confidence in George W Bush," says the report.
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