Facebook could launch its Flipboard-style news reading app in two weeks
Facebook could launch its Flipboard-style news reading app in two weeks
Facebook is likely to name its new news reading app "Paper", reports Re/code citing a source familiar with the matter.

New Delhi: For quite sometime now there have been reports that Facebook is preparing a Flipboard-like news reader app, and now a new report has emerged claiming that the company may launch its Flipboard-style newsreader by the end of this month. Facebook is likely to name its new product "Paper", reports Re/code citing a source familiar with the matter.

"Paper and Flipboard share a number of similarities, according to this person (source). Both essentially act as aggregators of rich media content, displaying a mix of news stories from publications like the New York Times or the Washington Post, along with status updates from Facebook users - all in a visually stunning "paper-like" format hearkening back to a time before digital devices," says the report. Reportedly, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also been directly involved in the project.

The Wall Street Journal broke this news last year. Well, it is not going to be easy for Facebook to compete with Flipboard, which currently has over 50 million users. Flipbaord lets readers customise their own content around topics, events, and personal interests that can be shared with others.

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