Freak car accident survivor back behind the wheels
Freak car accident survivor back behind the wheels
He does not want to rely on other's driving after the incident

New Delhi: Supratim Dutta, who hit the headlines for his miraculous escape from a freak car accident, has started driving himself and stopped travelling on chauffeur-driven cars provided by his company.

The reason: He only trusts in his driving skills and does not want to rely on others after the incident.

"I trust my own driving skills. I am more careful while driving," said the 23-year-old youth HCL executive while driving down back from Gurgaon.

On 12 July this year, the driver of the car in which Supratim was travelling lost control and hit the Metro barricades on the Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road in Delhi.

The impact was so strong that a five-feet-long and two inches wide iron angle pierced the dashboard through the bonnet and impaled Supratim.

His life has taken a new turn soon after the accident and his miraculous survival. "I was a quiet person before and living a self-contended life but now people come to me asking about the accident. I have also stopped planning out things for future as plans often don't materialise," Dutta told PTI

over the phone.

"I get a lot of attention which makes me feel special. I was to quit the company but my boss agreed to give me a better offer and retained me," Dutta said.

Dutta begins his day with morning exercises and a good workout before he drives down to office.

Supratim did not lose hope for bright future after he cheated death in the near fatal accident.

On the fateful day, Supratim called his mother, cousin and colleagues over the mobile phone to inform them about his accident even after the rod pierced him. His colleague Saurabh Aggarwal with the help of other people, managed to cut the rod and rushed Supratim to AIIMS Trauma Centre.

"He was brought to the hospital with an iron-bar projecting out from the anterior and posterior chest walls. He was in excruciating pain with blood oozing out from both the entry and exit wounds," recalled Biplab Mishra, assistant professor, AIIMS Trauma Centre who headed a team of doctors

for the complex surgery on Supratim.

The doctors had a tough time in handling the surgery which lasted for six hours.

Recalling the incident, Supratim said, "The worst thing I felt at that moment was when passers-by clicked pictures of me in that state with their mobile phones and leaving.

When it was expected that the public should get down to help the injured, people were busy clicking pictures.

"I did not have the slightest of hope that I would survive. I was sure that my life was coming to an end. My mother's blessings helped me."

Supratim suffered partial damage of his lungs and liver apart from the damage to 10 ribs.

He also disclosed that he has not planned of anything for this new year's eve. "I am sure my friends here will plan out something and I will be a party to it."

"One lesson I learnt is that when the almighty puts you in such a situation, He also gives you the strength to fight.

He send you signals and you ought to recognise it and without panicking try your best to stick to it," he said.

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