As Neptune depletes our minds and spirits, a discouraged, less confident energy will be felt on Friday, September 3. Life can feel slow due to restrictions so it can be challenging to get solutions right now. Our plans might meet with resistance so it is imperative to exercise patience. Disappointment may send us plummeting so it is better to lie low and practice absolute caution. We may be prone to deception so do not put yourself in risky situations. Taurus should find time for a self check-in and celebrate failures and victories. Cancer, look for the right lawyer who can make you win at all costs. Subconscious trauma is likely to show up, Capricorn.
Aries: (March 21- April 19)
Tension likely on job front for Aries
You’re not one to stay down in the dumps. You are encouraged to jump into a positive mindset after emotional shuffling. The planetary aspect highlights ongoing tensions on the job front. Your creative drive will be ramped up, enlivening romance. Numbers 8 and 1 will work things in your favour. Alphabets A, L and E and red colour will turn things around as Mars rules your sign.
Taurus: (April 20- May 20)
A romantic day for Taurus
Take full advantage of the slow pace. The stars may lower your energy levels and confuse goals but can also diffuse the day with a romantic feel. You are encouraged to stay low-key and kick back in the comfort of your home. Alphabets B, V and U and colour white will add to your charm. As Venus rules your sign, numbers 2 and 7 will guide you.
Gemini: (May 21- June 20)
Gemini must work on their creative skill
Tap into your creative skill sets. You are encouraged to engage in doing what you love. The cosmic landscape implies a light schedule, so maintain some fluid room for the artistic energy to surface and be brought to life. Mercury rules your planet so numbers 3 and 6 will guide you. Alphabets K, C, G and colour yellow will assist you.
Cancer: (June 21- July 22)
Cancer should think about career change
You ought to depart from the roller-coaster ride of mood swings and find stable ground. Focus on your untapped skills and talents and the present state of your finances. Think of the changes you can you make to increase your earning style. Moon rules your sign so alphabets 4, are D, and H favours you. Number 4 and the colour milky white will bring you luck.
Leo: (July 23- August 23)
Leo must show confidence in their abilities
Tap back into the sense of your self-worth. Shore up confidence in your abilities instead of relying on others for positive feedback. The cosmic landscape helps you to step back out onto your stage and pamper yourself. Sun rules your sign so alphabets M, and T will assist you. Number 5 and the golden colour brings you luck.
Virgo: (August 23- September 22)
Time for Virgo to restore diminishing energy levels
You are encouraged to pull back and restore your diminishing energy levels. An ideal time to focus on renewal and rest. Refrain from involving in heavy workloads or highly social situations. The landscape encourages a slow-paced day. Mercury rules your sign so turn to alphabets P, T and N for luck. The colour green and numbers 3 and 8 will help you in your ventures.
Libra: (September 23- October 22)
Libra need to focus towards all-important contacts
Seek out your friends as you thrive a sense of community. The cosmos will feed your soul with the joy of connection. Focus towards the all-important contacts and don’t shy about reconnecting with what needs an honest and clear approach. Venus rules your sign so numbers 2 and 7 will suit you best. Light colours and alphabets R and T will guide you.
Scorpio: (October 23- November 21)
Bright colours may work in favour of Scorpio
You’ve been pushing hard to make your dreams come true and forge ahead. Focus towards the state of your ambitions. Send your attention on moving forward and tackling maintenance on the ongoing projects. Mars rules your sign so alphabets N and Y accentuate your personality. Bright colours and numbers 1 and 8 will assist you.
Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)
Sagittarius are encouraged to step out of comfort zone
You may be feeling bound to day-to-day trappings and tiresome routines. You are encouraged to step out of your comfort zone, cultivate perspective-shifting movement and plan future adventures. A fresh change of environment may be what you need to decide the next step. Let luck be on your side with numbers 9 and 12. Colour yellow and alphabets B, D, P, D should bring you luck as your sign is ruled by Jupiter.
Capricorn: (December 22- January 19)
Capricorn must explore new terrains
Shore up old wounds around self-confidence. The cosmos is seeking new vents for self-expression. You need to grant yourself access to explore new terrains. The cosmos helps you tend to some of the unexpressed stories. Alphabets K, J and numbers 10, 11 will ease your mind. Deep colours are lucky for you as Saturn rules your planet.
Aquarius: (January 20- February 18)
Aquarius need to find new solutions for outgrown problems
Seek new solutions to outgrown problems rather than to keep blinders on and move forward without a second thought. The cosmos highlights the present state of give-and-take in your close relationships. Deep colours and alphabets G and S will be lucky for you. Numbers 10 and 11 will guide you as Saturn rules your planet.
Pisces: (February 19- March 20)
Pisces should spare time for exercise, proper meals
Get down to business today as you feel your best to cross multiple things off your to-do list and spare time for exercise and proper meals. You are encouraged to reconnect with process and order. The stars render the day low-key, so work on maintenance rather than new initiations.Let alphabets D, C, J, and T bring you luck as Jupiter rules your sign. Numbers 9 and 12 and yellow colour will support you.
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