India has no better friend than US: Obama
India has no better friend than US: Obama
US President also wished a speedy recovery to PM and sent wishes for R-Day too.

Washington: Asserting that Indians have "no better friend and partner" than the American people, President Barack Obama said their "shared values" enable the two countries meet any challenge, particularly from those who "use violence to try to undermine our free and open societies".

Extending "warmest greetings" to the Indian people on the occasion of the 60th Republic Day, the new President said "together, we celebrate our shared belief in democracy, liberty, pluralism and religious tolerance."

"As the Indian people celebrate Republic Day all across India, they should know that they have no better friend and partner than the people of the United States," he said in a special message.

Obama, who calls India a natural ally of the US and seeks inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi, said: "It is our shared values that form the bedrock of a robust relationship across peoples and governments.

"Those values and ideals provide the strength that enables us to meet any challenge, particularly from those who use violence to try to undermine our free and open societies," he said.

Referring to the growing Indo-US bonhomie, Obama said the two nations have built broad and vibrant partnerships in every field of human endeavour.

"Our rapidly growing and deepening friendship with India offers benefits to all the world's citizens as our scientists solve environmental challenges together, our doctors discover new medicines, our engineers advance our societies, our entrepreneurs generate prosperity, our educators lay the foundation for our future generations, and our governments work together to advance peace, prosperity, and stability around the globe."

The President also wished a "quick recovery" to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who has undergone a successful coronary artery by-pass surgery.

Obama referred to the friendship between the people of the two countries and said "It is in that spirit, that I also wish Prime Minister Singh a quick recovery."

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