Internet makes love click
Internet makes love click
There's a time and place for everything. And the place? Well, here's how to find love and keep it alive using the web.

New Delhi: Liju Varghese was a dreamer, a romantic and a lonely hearts club man. He dreamed of the day when he would dress in fine clothes and have his friends with him as he married the love of his life.

So, how did single Liju, become Liju Varghese, the husband extraodinaire? The magical Internet became Liju's wonderland, found him a mate, who took him by the hand.

"I saw the girl and I told my parents about the girl. And my relatives were also looking for a girl for me. And they also found the same girl, so it was like god's will, made for each other types," says Liju.

For others like Pooja, tech-love isn't just about finding love, it's about keeping it too. As she gets ready for a big date, she's found the perfect earrings, wearing her favourite sandals and has arranged a very romantic rendezvous with her webcam.

"While looking at a person, you can make the person laugh, you can make the person cry, you can fight with the person and you can tell all the feelings of your heart," says Pooja.

Whether you live two doors down or 200, with technology, distances cease to matter. And as Pooja's man, Pankaj, found out, apart from saving him time, his webcam also serves as a memory tonic.

"It helps me a lot to recognize her face, to remember her face everytime. So, even when I sleep, I remember her face", says Pankaj.

Maybe this isn't as romantic as receiving a hand-written love letter, but look at the bright side - at least you don't have to wait forever to hear from your sweetie.

Find your love by searching on websites like, and many others.

Once that's done, you can find out how compatible you are either by using your names or by astrological software. After all, technology does make love click.

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