IPTV to hit the screen soon
IPTV to hit the screen soon
Not happy with just giving you internet connections, telecom companies now want to provide cable connection to you as well.

New Delhi: If you have missed the screening of that movie you have been dying to watch on TV again, then just wait till IPTV comes to India.

You can demand the movie of your choice at the touch of a button at a time of your choice. You can also use your TV to chat with friends living on the other side of the town.

IPTV stands for internet protocol television. It allows you to recieve Television programming through your telephone line. Since it uses internet protocol, IPTV is interactive.

Vice President of Alcatel India, Anuj Kapur says, "The service requires a computer or a set top box connected to a T V, and of course a broadband connection. Telecom companies in India who are already agrresively marketing their broadband connections to consumers see IPTV as the only logical extension."

Companies like Reliance and Airtel expect to start the service by the end of this year. An for a basic package they are promising rates as cheap as your current cable TV charges.

Chief Technical Officer of Airtel, Jasbir Singh says, "Till last year just over 2 million people had opted for IPTV globally."

In India the biggest problem is going to be unbundling of the so called last mile, which basically means that incumbent operators like BSNL or MTNL should allow other operators to use their copper wires.

Otherwise the whole endeavour could turn out to be an expensive one for both service producers as well as consumers.

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