Julian Assange has four 'love children': Book
Julian Assange has four 'love children': Book
WikiLeaks volunteer Donald Bostrom has told investigators that Assange had at least four children.

Boston: Embattled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, fighting an extradition case over sexual misconduct, has at least "four love children" with mistresses across the world, according to leaked excerpts of a tell-all book by a WikiLeaks defector.

Former WikiLeaks spokesman Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who left the organisation amid tensions with Assange, has revealed in his forthcoming book that the 39-year old Assange used to "boast" about how many children he has fathered across the world.

"Often I sat in large groups and listened to Julian boast about how many children he had fathered in various parts of the world. He seemed to enjoy the idea of lots and lots of Julians, one on every continent."

"Whether he took care of any of these alleged children, or whether they existed at all, was another question," Domscheit-Berg writes in his book, an excerpt of which was leaked to gossip website Gawker.

Last month, Domscheit-Berg launched a rival site OpenLeaks.

"From his bombastic OKCupid profile to his creepy love letters to a 19-year-old girl, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's has some strange romantic proclivities. Strangest of all is his apparent obsession with littering the world with offspring," the report in Gawker said.

According to leaked police documents on Assange's ongoing rape and sexual molestation case, WikiLeaks volunteer and Swedish journalist Donald Bostrom has told investigators in Sweden that Assange had "at least" four children.

Gawker said this was a number "independently confirmed" to it by a former WikiLeaks volunteer and a former friend of Assange.

The youngest little Assange is a mere six months old, according to the former friend. The oldest, and the only one of Assange's offspring previously reported, is 20-year-old Daniel Assange who lives in Melbourne, Australia.

Assange fathered him in his teens with his then-girlfriend. Daniel however has not seen his father since 2007.

Gawker said ages of the other two children are unknown but both are in Australia. It is not known who the mothers of these children are.

"The fixation on seeding the world with mini-leakers springs from a sense of inborn superiority," Gawker quotes a source as saying.

"He (Assange) feels obliged to spread his genes. In other words, he thinks he is so good that the world needs more of his kids."

Assange is currently fighting extradition in London.

The WikiLeaks founder is wanted by Sweden, which is investigating charges of sexual-assault allegations against him.

He is accused of sexual misconduct by two women he met during a visit to Stockholm last year. He denies any wrongdoing.

The US government has also been trying to prosecute Assange for espionage after his whistle-blower website released thousands of secret documents on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as a flood of State Department cables. No

specific charges against him have been framed.

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