Make skipping a workout routine
Make skipping a workout routine
Skipping is a great aerobic activity but did you know it can be interspersed with other basic exercises as well?

Skipping is a great aerobic activity but did you know it can be interspersed with other basic exercises as well? Fitness expert Rustum Warden gives you an exciting combination.

A good cardio routine would require you to keep your heart rate elevated for atleast 30 minutes.

However, one does realise that it is difficult to skip continuously for such a long time. So, Warden suggests a routine for you.

Design your workout in a way that you skip for at least three continuous minutes. Take a break from skipping and switch to doing regular push-ups for a minute.

Exhale when you push yourself up and remember to inhale when you lower yourself. Resume skipping for another three minutes.

Take a breather and do a couple of crunches for a minute. Be sure not to pull on the neck while doing this exercise. Keep the circuit going for at least 30 whole minutes.

So don't forget to add skipping to your workout routine.

Warden suggests that it is better to warm up with some gentle activities and basic stretches before starting with the exercise.

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