March against drunken driving seeks stern laws
March against drunken driving seeks stern laws
It has been almost two months since the families lost their children.

New Delhi: Families of the victims of a recent road accident in Gurgaon are now working against drunken driving. A march to seek more stern laws against drunken driving was held on Sunday.

Sumir Anand's grief may last a life's time, but it is giving him the courage to fight for justice. Sumir lost his only son Curran in a drunken driving accident on the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway on June 14th 2008.

Sumir says his only mission now is to ensure that the accused does not go unpunished and with him are 800 others.

“We want to make sure that at least the judiciary wakes up. We have to look at our legal systems and make sure we get autopsies done for kids that are no more. You have the accused in your custody, but you let him walk out on bail without even taking a blood sample,” complains Sumir Anand.

Parents of Divyanshu Yadav and Siddarth Mehran, the two others who lost their lives in the accident, also participated in the march organised to show solidarity with the victims.

“We want to tell the people, not to drive after drinking. Three valuable lives were lost because the driver was drunk,” says RK Yadav, Divyanshu's Father.

“Because of one person who drove under the influence, three families have suffered. We want this should not happen in future,” says Siddharth's Father, Captain Parveen Mehran.

Not much was said during the silent march but the appeal to make laws against drinking and driving more stringent was loud enough.

It has been almost two months since the families lost their children but in the mourning that followed, they decided to find a purpose. Even if one life is saved by their efforts they say, they will have fulfilled their duties to their lost sons.

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