Mush to visit Jeddah, excited to meet Nawaz Sharif
Mush to visit Jeddah, excited to meet Nawaz Sharif
Sharif though does not want to meet the President.

New Delhi: General Pervez Musharraf is visiting Jeddah on Tuesday. Sources tell CNN-IBN, the General is keen on seeking help from former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, but while being away from Pakistan.

Sharif though does not want to meet the President. Sources say he may be forced to meet Musharraf because of pressure from the international community.

Sharif told CNN-IBN that in the past two months Musharraf tried meeting him thrice but he declined, as there was no point unless Emergency was withdrawn.

Sharif also said meeting Musharraf is not his decision alone - other parties supporting democracy will have to be consulted.

Sharif attempted to return to Pakistan after the Supreme Court last month ruled he was free to stay in Pakistan, but Musharraf swiftly booted him back and sent him to Saudi Arabia.

A union between Bhutto and Sharif would likely turn the heat up for Musharraf, who has so far been successful in keeping the country's quarreling opposition factions divided.

In a phone interview from his home in Saudi Arabia, Sharif said he supported the idea of a unity government, both before and perhaps even after the elections to help stabilize Pakistan.

''I will be very happy to extend any cooperation to rid the country of a dictator but it is important the judiciary is reinstated,'' Sharif said. ''I said to her (Bhutto), although we have had differences in the recent past, I welcome your proposal. I want to move forward, but we must set a clear agenda for ourselves.''

He said he had told Bhutto in their phone conversation that the opposition should boycott the elections and she said she would give her response within a day or two.

(With AP inputs)

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