Our thoughts and actions are regulated by inner self
Our thoughts and actions are regulated by inner self

When we were children we too had the same charisma. When we regulate our breathing by practicing techniques to re-connect ourselves to our soul, it will bring out this innocence and child like quality from within that will attract peace, divinity and people to us like iron filings to a magnet. When there are grains of sugar on the ground, we do not need to put an advertisement in the newspapers to call the ants. They come in huge swarms on their own. In the same manner, drawn by the sweetness of our soul, people will come forward voluntarily, eager and enthusiastic to implement our plans. Charisma makes success effortless.

When we use the key called our breath to unlock the door to our soul, we are flooded with inspiration, motivation and the third characteristic called self-confidence. This self-confidence does not come from the ego; it comes from the soul. When the ripples of thoughts are quietened by our breath, the mind becomes like a still pool of water that reflects our soul.

Then every thought, feeling, word and action comes directly from our inner self, instead of being generated by our karma. This encompasses us as a feeling of overwhelming love and zest for everything we do. We feel, “When I think, I must think the best. When I dream, I must dream the best. When I speak, I must speak the best. When I attain, I must attain the best. When I achieve, I must achieve the best. When I accomplish, I must accomplish the best. When the best comes out from me, it will bring out the best in others and bring the best into our lives too.” This feeling of self-confidence overflows from our activated will power and helps us to actualise our dreams. As our dreams are actualised, along with outer success, we also get inner contentment and bliss.

Now, my friend, let us begin with the breathing techniques. I would like to share with you two techniques that I have found extremely effective both in stabilising the mind and intellect during meditation. This will also bring success in achieving your vision and mission. I will now guide you step by step in practicing these techniques and also describe the benefits that you will experience when you practice

them regularly.  Before you begin the first technique, I will teach you how to identify the predominant and subordinate nostrils as you require this knowledge to practice this technique. 

Identifying your Predominant Nostril: Hold your hand close to your nostrils and exhale on it to check which nostril feels more active and free. The free nostril is your predominant nostril and the other is your subordinate nostril. You can identify your predominant nostril by feeling the greater pressure and volume of air against your hand when you exhale. Alternatively, you can hold a small mirror below your nostrils initially to help you do this. The part of the mirror below the predominant nostril will look mistier after you breathe on it.

For most people, one nostril is predominant at any point of time, though this switches from one to the other every two to three hours.

Ideally, before nine in the morning and six in the evening, one of your nostrils will be predominant and between nine in the morning and six in the evening, both your nostrils should be equally active. They should be equalised.

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