Servant gets death for raping, killing employer's kids
Servant gets death for raping, killing employer's kids
Additional Sessions Judge Babu Lal awarded the capital punishment to Sanjay Das.

New Delhi: The Tis Hazari Court on Tuesday sentenced a domestic help to death for raping and murdering his employer's minor children.

Additional Sessions Judge Babu Lal awarded the capital punishment to Sanjay Das, after holding him guilty under section 302 of Indian Penal Code.

"I award you death sentence for murdering a four-year child. You can file an appeal in 30 days before the High Court," the court said.

The Court also held Das, in his early twenties, guilty for raping one of his employer’s daughter and imposed a fine of Rs 3,500 on him.

The incident happened on October 19, 2006, whetn the domestic help raped his employer's minor daughter and then killed his four-year-old son who was a witness to the rape.

He was arrested from Haridwar a day after the incident.

The incident took place in Roop Nagar area in Delhi. The accused had been working with the family for less than a week when the incident happened.

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