The People’s Army
The People’s Army
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsA six-year-old boy falls in a 58 feet deep pit. As he looks up at us through the CCTV camera, his eyes are full of fear... hope... and despair.

He wants to be out... he wants to be free... he wants to stretch... he wants to live...!

But how? The fire tenders and the locals fail to pull Prince out into safety.

As we all wait with bated breath to see if Prince will win this battle against death and darkness, the Indian Army is asked to intervene and help. An engineering unit of the army is called in from Ambala to help rescue a six year old.

Without wasting anytime the army begins its earnest efforts to save Prince. After hours of meticulous and persistent work an officer of the Indian Army emerges with our Prince safely in his arms.

Our army gives life to Prince and smiles to many others.

The bigger question that emerges from this human drama is that what keeps this 'olive organisation' ticking when the civil administration fails?

Be it giving life to Prince or helping in the Mumbai floods or aiding the Srinagar quake victims or the tsunami survivors or maintaining peace and order in a rioting situation or carrying out fair elections or guarding our borders... the army has never failed us. They take charge when everyone else has given up.

Its not the discipline, punctuality and strict regime alone, that keeps these men in uniform going even in the toughest situation. There's something more to it... COMPLETE COMMITMENT!

It's their dedication towards the nation and its people that makes these men in uniform overcome every obstacle even at the peril of their life.

They rise above the communal, social and functional differences and work as a united force against any adversity.

The Army did not help rescue Prince to gain any political mileage or appease the vote bank. The army was only completing its duty of safeguarding its citizens.

Its time we learnt some lessons and took some marching orders from the army. We need to inculcate in us the army's patriotism, selfless service and sense of belonging towards the nation... more importantly in a crisis situation.

It surely takes more than just bravery to face the bullet for millions of unknown people!

So, DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU? first published:July 24, 2006, 09:34 ISTlast updated:July 24, 2006, 09:34 IST
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A six-year-old boy falls in a 58 feet deep pit. As he looks up at us through the CCTV camera, his eyes are full of fear... hope... and despair.

He wants to be out... he wants to be free... he wants to stretch... he wants to live...!

But how? The fire tenders and the locals fail to pull Prince out into safety.

As we all wait with bated breath to see if Prince will win this battle against death and darkness, the Indian Army is asked to intervene and help. An engineering unit of the army is called in from Ambala to help rescue a six year old.

Without wasting anytime the army begins its earnest efforts to save Prince. After hours of meticulous and persistent work an officer of the Indian Army emerges with our Prince safely in his arms.

Our army gives life to Prince and smiles to many others.

The bigger question that emerges from this human drama is that what keeps this 'olive organisation' ticking when the civil administration fails?

Be it giving life to Prince or helping in the Mumbai floods or aiding the Srinagar quake victims or the tsunami survivors or maintaining peace and order in a rioting situation or carrying out fair elections or guarding our borders... the army has never failed us. They take charge when everyone else has given up.

Its not the discipline, punctuality and strict regime alone, that keeps these men in uniform going even in the toughest situation. There's something more to it... COMPLETE COMMITMENT!

It's their dedication towards the nation and its people that makes these men in uniform overcome every obstacle even at the peril of their life.

They rise above the communal, social and functional differences and work as a united force against any adversity.

The Army did not help rescue Prince to gain any political mileage or appease the vote bank. The army was only completing its duty of safeguarding its citizens.

Its time we learnt some lessons and took some marching orders from the army. We need to inculcate in us the army's patriotism, selfless service and sense of belonging towards the nation... more importantly in a crisis situation.

It surely takes more than just bravery to face the bullet for millions of unknown people!


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