UPSC CDS I Result 2020 | The Union Public Service Commission has declared the result for UPSC Combined Defence Services (I) 2020 today. The candidates who have appeared for the UPSC CDS I written exam can check their result on the official website at upsc.gov.in.
The examination was conducted last month on February 2. A total of 7081 candidates have been selected and will be eligible to appear for the interview round.
UPSC Combined Defence Services I Result 2020: Here’s How to check
Step 1: Visit the official site of UPSC at upsc.gov.in
Step 2: Click on UPSC CDS I Result 2020 link on the homepage
Step 3: On the new page, click on the PDF link in front of UPSC CDS 1 Result 2020
Step 4: A new PDF file will open with the name of selected candidates
Step 5: Download the PDF and keep a hard copy for future reference
All the selected candidates are required to appear for the interview. For the process, they have to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website at joinindianarmy.nic.in.
Meanwhile, UPSC will upload the mark-sheet of candidates who have not qualified on its website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA, after the SSB interview.
Candidates can check their result using this direct link.
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